Considering buying a luxury handbag? Watch this video first to know which handbags will make you look elegant so you don’t waste your money on something that is not classy!

This article is about the luxury bags that jetset babes should absolutely buy. I will be talking about the different types of bags, the brands and how to wear them.

As you may know, there are many types of luxury bags in the world. In this article, I will talk about some of my favourites. The first type is called a duffel bag, which is a type of bag that has two long handles on either side of it that can be used to carry it on your shoulder or by hand. The second type is called a messenger bag, which looks like an envelope and has one handle on one side and two on the other side. These two types are perfect for carrying laptops or tablets around with you in style!

Always go for Hermes if you have the means

If you don’t have money for Hermes, I really recommend the Lee Radziwill bag by Tory Burch. It has a very classic design, comes in both neutral and some bolder colors (and multiple sizes), and is made of soft Italian leather. The logo on the bag is also very tiny, so it doesn’t look flashy and detract from the overall elegance of the bag.
The Bottega Veneta Marie is also absolutley incredible!
Someone who’s really into luxury goods once told me this: “If you take away all the logos and prints from a bag and STILL know what brand and model the bag is, then that’s a classic.”

Till the next slay time!

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Hermes Kelly should be your no 1 pick

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