Oi, mates! Slay Fitness here, ready to blow your bloomin’ minds with some extraterrestrial news. Can you believe it? Aliens are real, mate! I mean, come on, it’s about time, innit? We’ve all had our suspicions, haven’t we?
So, get this: those clever Mexican doctors, bless ’em, they carried out some proper laboratory studies on these supposed non-human remains. And bloody hell, they presented their findings to Mexico’s congress! Talk about a big reveal, right?
According to this fella named Jose de Jesus Zalce Benitez, who’s the director of the Scientific Institute for Health of the Mexican navy, these studies showed that the alleged bodies belonged to one single skeleton. One skeleton! That’s mental, innit? And get this, they weren’t even assembled, mate. No tampering, no funny business.
And here’s the real kicker, my lovely lot: these lab tests proved that there ain’t a speck of evidence suggesting any skull manipulation or assembly. I mean, that’s mind-boggling! Those skulls are legit, amigos!
But hold on a tick, my UFO-loving friends, I’ve got more to share. This Mexican journalist named Jaime Maussan, who’s all into the unidentified flying objects and whatnot, he unveiled these two corpses just last week. Can you imagine the buzz? The anticipation? It’s like an intergalactic red carpet event!
So, let’s wrap our heads around this astonishing news: Mexican doctors, with their laboratory magic, brought forth evidence that these bodies are no joke. We’re talkin’ concrete proof, people!
I can already see the skeptics scratching their heads and muttering, “Slay fitness, it’s all a hoax!” But hold your horses, lads and lasses. We’ve got Mexican doctors, a navy’s scientific institute, and a journalist who’s passionate about the great beyond. This ain’t some tin-foil hat conspiracy, no sir!
So, my darlin’ Earthlings, brace yourselves. The truth is out there, and it’s making its grand entrance through the doors of Mexico’s congress. Get ready for a wild ride, ’cause the existence of aliens just got a whole lot more real. Rock on, you magnificent beings!
Who created humans?
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