**I’m Always the Prize, Never the Consolation**

Listen up, because I’m about to drop some serious knowledge that could change your life – if you have the guts to embrace it.

I’m School of Affluence concierge , and I don’t play in the minor leagues. People don’t mess around with half-measures when it comes to me because I’ve made it crystal clear: I am always the prize, not the consolation. This isn’t arrogance. It’s a fact. It’s a mindset. It’s the kind of self-belief that separates the extraordinary from the ordinary, the winners from the losers.

You see, being the prize means understanding your worth. It means recognizing that you are valuable, that you bring something to the table that nobody else can. It means never settling for second best because you know you deserve the best. This isn’t just about dating or relationships—though, trust me, never be someone’s second choice there either—this applies across the board: business, friendships, everything.

Why should anyone aim to be a consolation prize? Consolation prizes exist for those who didn’t win. They are an afterthought, a way to soften the blow of losing. That’s not me. That should never be you. Your entire life should be devoted to being the main event, the ultimate goal, the one everyone is striving to be with, be like or to be around.

First, you need to cultivate this mindset. Remove any self-doubt, and replace it with self-assurance. How do you do that? You win. Simple. In your career, in your personal projects, in your physique, you dominate. You don’t just meet expectations; you annihilate them. You walk into the room, and everyone knows you’re on a different level.

Next, recognize your unique value. What can you offer that nobody else can? Maybe it’s your business acumen, your discipline, your unwavering self-improvement. Whatever it is, lean into it, maximize it and let the world know. Nobody worth knowing respects the mediocre, the ordinary. They respect the exceptional, the extraordinary.

And here’s the thing: people treat you the way you allow them to. If you let people think you’re an option, a convenience, they’ll walk all over you. Demand more. Expect loyalty, excellence, and respect because that’s what you give to the world.

Lastly, stop wasting time and energy on anything or anyone that doesn’t see you as the prize. Be ruthless in cutting out the dead weight. Surround yourself with lions, not sheep. Those who understand greatness inspire greatness. Iron sharpens iron, and if you’re not sharpening yourself, you’re rusting.

I understand that some people reading this will think I’m harsh, arrogant, even delusional. And that’s fine. The reality is, they’re not my audience. They’re not the people who will change the world, lead the boardroom, or command respect wherever they go. Those who get it, get it. They’re nodding their heads right now, feeling the energy coursing through their veins.

So don’t ever forget: be the prize. Never be the consolation. Set your standards high, conquer your goals, and never settle for less than extraordinary. Because in the end, you’re worth it.

Feel the power? That’s how you seize life. Go out there and dominate!

Join my billionaire club here









I understand that some people reading this will think I’m harsh, arrogant, even delusional. And that’s fine. The reality is, they’re not my audience. They’re not the people who will change the world, lead the boardroom, or command respect wherever they go. Those who get it, get it. They’re nodding their heads right now, feeling the energy coursing through their veins.

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