**Loyalty or Goodbye: The Ruthless Code of My Empire**
*By School of Affluence*
Listen up, because I’m only going to say this once. Imagine you’ve built an empire from the ground up. Blood, sweat, relentless work, and an unyielding desire to succeed. This empire is your sanctuary, your battleground, your legacy. Now, what happens when someone tries to wedge themselves between you and your empire? What happens when someone dares to make you choose between them and your dream?
Let me break it down for you: If anyone tries to make me choose, they’ve shown me they don’t belong in my empire. Period.
This isn’t some fairy tale where compromises lead to happy endings. No. This is the real world where loyalty is non-negotiable and where every choice you make carves the future you’re going to live in.
### Loyalty is Currency
Loyalty is the most valuable currency in my empire. And let’s get this straight: loyalty isn’t about making someone happy all the time or bending to their whims. It’s about unwavering support, resilience in the storm, and ferocious dedication to the mission. If you’re not ready to ride or die for the vision, then get out. Loyalty doesn’t tolerate weakness, and it surely doesn’t entertain ultimatums.
### Weakness is a Virus
You see, empires aren’t built by placating egos or soothing insecurities. Weakness is a virus, and it spreads fast, infecting every corner of the kingdom until it crumbles. Making me choose is the most blatant act of weakness. It’s an announcement of insecurity and betrayal cloaked in sentiment. Don’t get fooled by faux loyalty masquerading in love and companionship. If they’re making you choose, they’re making you weaker.
### Choices Define You
Every significant decision you make defines you. You either choose power, dominance, and relentless pursuit of greatness, or you surrender to the chains of mediocrity. When someone demands you choose them over everything else, what they really want is to shackle you to their limitations, fears, and small-minded dreams. Don’t let anyone put constraints on your ambition. Because real loyalty never asks you to choose. Real loyalty runs alongside you as you conquer the world.
### The Code of My Empire
So here’s the code. If you think, even for a split second, you can give me an ultimatum between you and my dreams, you’ve just signed your exit papers. My empire is folded in iron, built with the fire of desire, and held together by the bond of unwavering loyalty. If you can’t understand that, you have no place here.
There’s no negotiating with dreams, and there’s no compromising with ambition. If someone makes you choose, they’re a liability. And liabilities have no place in empires destined for greatness.
This isn’t about being cold-hearted. This is about being ruthlessly devoted to the mission. I don’t need distractions. I don’t need threats. I need people who understand undiluted loyalty, people who are as unyielding as I am in the face of adversity.
So what’s it going to be? Join me in this relentless pursuit of greatness or step aside. My empire has no room for anything less than total dedication.
Live by loyalty, die by ambition. That’s the code.
*School of Affluence concierge *