It’s going to be dystopian!
I’m getting more than a little sick of this. We are facing two choices. One, the majority wake up and peacefully resist this. Two, the smaller group of us that are awake and aware must take more “decisive” actions. If we fail to stop this in the next few years, the majority of us are almost certainly doomed to a very unpleasant existence for what remains of our lives.
The ignorant zombies will drag us down with them. Family and friends actually become angry with me when I share World Economic Forum information. Denying reality won’t spare them from its consequences.
I recommend reading a book from the 1950’s “They Thought They Were Free” by Milton Mayer. The author interviewed a dozen or so Germans living in a small city after WWII. He moved to the city, and gained their trust and comradeship. The Germans come from a variety of social backgrounds. I really learnt something about how totalitarianism works from this book.
If you look at the Australia, it introduced digital certificates at the start of the pandemic which is also linked to your passport and medical records and also integrated into other state organisation. It is worth noting that all these systems are first introduced into countries like Australia and New Zealand first and when all the bugs are worked out its introduced to the rest of the world. The reason they use Aust and N.Z initially is because both countries are rich with great infrastructure with a relatively small population. What happens in Australia first is then introduced to the rest of the world. We are so far away and no one really notices what kinds of social experimentation is done over here.