Alright, let’s talk raw meat and chicken. Now, I’m no stranger to controversy, but even I have to draw the line somewhere. This whole trend of eating raw chicken and meat, it’s got me scratching my head. I mean, what in the world is going on here? But before we dive in, let’s take a look at what exactly is going on.

So, there’s this Instagrammer, known only as John, who has decided to go on a raw chicken-eating challenge. Yes, you heard me right. Raw chicken. He’s making raw chicken pizza, blending raw chicken breast with oranges, and even downing raw eggs. I mean, come on, really? This guy is documenting this whole thing on a page called @rawmeatexperiment. And get this, this isn’t the first time he’s tried this. Two years ago, he attempted a similar challenge on YouTube, eating raw meat every day until he died from bacteria. Apparently, he got bored after 200 days and gave up. Now, he’s back at it again, chomping down on raw chicken like it’s nothing.

According to John, he’s not doing this for clout. He claims he’s trying to relieve symptoms of back pain, dizziness, and cystic acne with this raw chicken diet. I mean, I’ve heard of all sorts of diets, but this one takes the cake. But hey, he says it’s worked for him. And to be honest, I can’t deny that this whole thing has got me curious. I mean, who else is crazy enough to try this?

But hold up for a second. Let’s not forget about the risks. According to some doctors, eating raw chicken is like playing Russian Roulette with your life. That’s right, the risk of getting infections like Campylobacter and salmonella is no joke. These are some serious bacteria that can seriously mess you up. I mean, do you really want to be messing with that? Sure, John may say it’s working for him, but I wouldn’t be so quick to jump on that bandwagon. It’s like the old saying goes, “if your friend jumps off a bridge, would you do it too?”

The Instagrammer known as John, has gained notoriety for consuming raw poultry in a variety of unconventional recipes. From raw chicken pizza to blending raw chicken breast with orange juice, John has certainly pushed the boundaries when it comes to his dietary choices.

Despite the potential risks, John seems unwavering in his commitment to his unconventional diet, and he even goes as far as to compare the taste of raw chicken to that of scallop or shrimp, stating that it “sort of tastes like sashimi.” He claims that he has become accustomed to the flavor and no longer has to gear himself up to eat it.

While the risks associated with consuming raw chicken are certainly alarming, John argues that there are potential benefits to his diet. He points out that Japanese people regularly consume raw fish in the form of sashimi without any adverse effects, and he also includes raw eggs in his diet. John also believes that consuming raw meat is a healthier alternative to processed foods and farmed meats.

In spite of the controversy surrounding his dietary choices, John adamantly maintains that he is not seeking attention or attempting to gain clout through his consumption of raw chicken. He asserts that he had a large following on social media before embarking on this journey and that eating raw meat on the internet is not a good way to garner attention. He claims that his main motivation is to improve his health and alleviate his symptoms.

Ultimately, the question of whether there are any benefits to consuming raw meat and chicken is a complex and contentious issue. While John may argue in favor of the health benefits of his diet, medical professionals and experts warn of the serious risks involved. As with any dietary choice, it is important for individuals to carefully consider the potential consequences and consult with medical professionals before making such radical changes to their eating habits. In the end, the decision to consume raw meat and chicken is a highly personal one, and individuals must weigh the potential benefits and risks for themselves.

John’s raw meat experiment don’t play!!!

Thoughts ????

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This whole trend of eating raw chicken and meat, it’s got me scratching my head. I mean, what in the world is going on here?

Japanese people regularly consume raw fish in the form of sashimi without any adverse effects

At the end of the day consuming raw meat is a healthier alternative to processed foods and farmed meats.

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