Good bye to CT Scan,MRI, X-ray . Doctors can now get clear view of what is inside the body of a patient with Google Ai’s help.
What next?
I genuinely believe AI will become smarter than any human ever can.
AI learns at a faster rate than all of humanity combined, it NEVER forgets information and is almost always available. Never needs days off what do you think will happen here…
They just need the datasets and that data is flowing in now. Just because nobody has trained this model on these issues YET it doesn’t mean it is not going to happen in the next 2 years. It just takes some individual or entity focusing on making this happen and it won’t be very difficult at all.
Governments and people WILL actually push AI development to replace doctors. Why? The govts will want it because they won’t have to pay the AI robots enormous doctor salaries, and the people will want it because it will have a lot less chance of malpractice.
Wait for 5 years when AI will only need your blood test and body vitals to prescribe medicine and or advance tests.
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