Listen up, slay my look tribe. This is Slay my look concierge talking to you about an opportunity you simply can’t ignore. We’re talking luxury, we’re talking power, we’re talking about making you the center of attention.
Here’s the deal, Slay Network is rolling out an ambassador opportunity. Apply to slaynetwork@slaynetwork.co.uk
As an ambassador you will be responsible for promoting slay club world concierge services . If you successfully promote and your promotion leads to a member signing up you will win this dress and 10 percent commissions which is $1000 cash.
To become an ambassador apply with your instagram, youtube or tik tok handle to slaynetwork@slaynetwork.co.uk
You will need to have at least 10000 followers to apply.
Play smart, play big, and may the best hustler win. The clock is ticking.