I remember when I joined Social media 15 years back, it was just a connecting platform. With time, it has come down to merely a photo- sharing, status-updating place to tell people what you are up to.
Stressing over followers, likes & comments, we think multiple times before selecting a picture to upload. Even this small thing is now a TASK.
I feel that the genuineness of an individual is kept aside when they are online. It’s like we are living two lives parallelly. What better to cite an example than uploading a sassy picture with so many fun hashtags and best filters when in reality you are a head of untreated hair lying down in dirty pajamas.
We exist on Earth but we live on stories and breathe on likes. We seek validation in the form of followers, popularity and shares. Taking food pictures while the other person is waiting to eat. EFF you!!
Feeling pretentious with 5 billion others is the new cool. What was made to be a medium to connect with the world is now a platform where we feel the fear of being judged.
We can chat with a person for hours and hours and be our most-interesting versions but by chance we see them in public, most of us would hesitate to greet first.
There was a time when people looked for a platform to voice their opinions. Now when we have a platform, the voices sound of trolling, shaming, humiliating and putting others down.
Every day we are comparing ourselves to somebody we might or might not know. We don’t realize it is a really petty thing to do. Looking at somebody’s posts or followers and imagining what a wonderful life they live. Everyone hates someone for NO REASON or maybe ‘jealousy’.
This social media is a place where we can know what others are up to at all times. Everyone is presenting an inflated version of their existence. And above all, say Hello to FOMO (fear of missing out). You don’t wish to skip a thing and because you don’t want to look dumb when something is being discussed. You don’t want to be like “what did I miss when I was sleeping?” the next day. So much stress!
We tell this to ourselves and others that we have no time when actually, we are doing simply NOTHING. How about just logging out for a while, picking a book or some other hobby, realize what’s around us and how blessed we are and feel thankful for how far we’ve come in life instead of growing envious every day?
The grass is greener on social media; let’s cut off from the herd mentality and make it greenest wherever it truly makes sense .
Source Madam Ruchie