Slay club world, the Worlds most extravagant shopping club platform knows that they have two types of customer. The first type are average people who are living for the dream of having the mostly unattainable items sold by slay club world and the second type are the richest 1% of the World’s population. Hence there are two types of product at slay club world, the products priced at the hundred TO two hundred dollar range to cater to the average joe’s which mostly consist of artsy albeit luxurious wall paper and unique press on nails. The rest of the platform sell items consisting of the most expensive items money can buy.

You’ll certainly see million USD watches and cars, $30K dresses and handbags, $10K shoes, a $100K fur coat for a 5 year old and you still won’t be close to the most expensive items sold at Slaylebity AKA Slay club world.

Basically Slay club worlds’ business model is the opposite to other businesses- the meat and potatoes of Slay club world’s business is big ticket items for the richest people in the World, and the gravy (makes the meal complete, but not a complete meal on its own) is the relatively affordable items bought by people who didn’t charter a private jet.

So based on this, why is Slay club world still a very popular online shopping club platform even though the merchandise is very pricey?
Slay club world is a very high end shopping club platform. If you want cheap goods and simple items you shouldn’t be going to Slaylebrity at all, let alone Slay club world.

You can buy things there that you won’t see in most shops, and to be frank anything you can buy elsewhere will probably be at at least four times to ten times the price. But the ideal Slay club world member isn’t concerned about price. At the moment you can only qualify for the pinnacle club gold club level status if you spend over $60,000 a year!

Slayebrity is a great place to nose around (especially slay billionaire) for those who love to dream extravagant dreams , but after you finish you clear out for the minimal few who can actually afford such a lavish lifestyle!



Basically Slay club worlds' business model is the opposite to other businesses- the meat and potatoes of Slay club world's business is big ticket items for the richest people in theh world, and the gravy (makes the meal complete, but not a complete meal on its own) is the relatively affordable items bought by people who didn't charter a private jet

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