Listen up, because this is important. You’re asking why an unfaithful spouse might lie about the affair but be honest about everything else?

It’s because they’re playing a calculated game, a game that’s as old as time but as deceptive as the latest tech. They’re trying to maintain control, and control is the ultimate power in any relationship.

First off, understand this: an affair is a breach of trust on the highest level. It’s not just a slip-up; it’s a calculated decision. So, when someone decides to lie about an affair, it’s because they’re trying to maintain their image. They want to keep you in the dark, to keep you as part of their world without letting you see it for what it really is. Honest about everything else? That’s their way of balancing the scales, of throwing you off the scent. It’s a smokescreen, a deception designed to make you doubt your instincts.

What does this behavior indicate? It indicates fear. Fear of losing control, fear of consequences, and fear of facing the truth about themselves. They’re not ready to deal with the fallout, so they hide it, mask it with half-truths and outright lies about the things that matter most.

But here’s the real deal: this behavior is a massive red flag. It’s a sign that this person values their own comfort over your trust and the integrity of the relationship. They’re willing to risk your mental and emotional health to keep their secret safe. It’s selfish, cowardly, and outright disrespectful.

Now, what do you do with this information? You take it as a wake-up call. You don’t play into their hands. You hold your ground, demand transparency, and refuse to be part of a game where you’re always set up to lose. Remember, true power in any relationship comes from mutual respect, trust, and honesty. Without those, you’re building on quicksand.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s time for a hard, honest look at where things stand. Are you willing to accept less than you deserve? Or is it time to reclaim your power, set your standards, and refuse to lower them for anyone? The choice is always yours, but remember, in the game of life, you don’t get points for playing the victim.
You score by standing strong, making tough decisions, and moving forward with your head held high.

To wrap this up , an unfaithful spouse lying about the affair is a manipulation tactic, a way to keep you in the game on their terms. Don’t fall for it. Recognize it for what it is, and take control of your narrative. Your future self will thank you for it.









It's because they're playing a calculated game, a game that's as old as time but as deceptive as the latest tech. They're trying to maintain control, and control is the ultimate power in any relationship. It's a smokescreen, a deception designed to make you doubt your instincts.

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