If you’re a mature digital marketer, you know that follower count isn’t any guarantee of the value of a social media account. But at the same time, you also know having a lot of followers is far from worthless.

Like it or not, people do look at your follower numbers, which affects their decision to follow you. In addition, the more followers you have, the larger the potential reach and influence you have (provided those followers are real and relevant to your business).

There is no scarcity of posts and guides online about how to build social media followings, so what’s different about this one?

Simple: Slaylebrity’s VIP social media service have boiled it down to just two essential tactics that meet the following requirements:

1. They build real followers (i.e., not bots and/or people who could care less about you and your business).
2. They are useful for marketing and business accounts without causing any potential damage to your brand reputation.

For luxury expensive brands no standard method is effective for growing your premium brand via social media. For luxury brands out of the box marketing is the only way forward. And the most Effective method is through partnership content and campaigns.

By that We mean building relationships with a known brand that has relevance to your business I.e luxury!

Luckily for you, you don’t need to go searching for such a brand. Through Slaylebrities’ VIP giveaway service you can now leverage on the popular luxury Slay Network Brand to grow your brands social media presence fast.

So how does it work?

Slaylebrity is a member based online luxury social magazine for high networth Individuals. 

The luxury lifestyle  platform  is a world class magazine and social platform allowing users access to high disposable income tier 1 and 2 traffic and an avid reader base. In short, The platform offers an International barometer of refined taste.

In a world where Influencer marketing and traditional advertising are beginning to yield limited poor results Slaylebrity represents a much better alternative.

When trying to sell expensive luxurious things it is definitely more prudent to focus on platforms that focus solely on attracting users that like ultra expensive Luxurious things than a general platform. 

Slaylebrity has accomplished something no other publication or digital platform can claim – an environment dedicated heavily to reaching affluent buyers.

Slaylebrity is one of the most unrestrictive social platforms to advertise as almost all content except porn related content and terrorist content is accepted on Slaylebrity.

The cost is $5300 per giveaway. And runs for 30 days per giveaway.

This is the latest Slaylebrity Marketing option and it is very effective.

The model is very different from what you would typically find on other sites.

Essentially it entails a collaboration with luxury brand Slay Network.

All promotions plus delivery will be conducted by slay network. A giveaway using Slay Networks expensive products as the prize will be announced on its social media pages. These pages will have a cumulative total of at least one million followers and the entrants will be directed to follow your Instagram or you tube page. The giveaway will also be promoted to our 20,000 plus email list. (Email makeup 92% USA, 5% Canada, 3% other)

This service will also include one free guest post (article to be provided by client.
If writing service is required for the free Slaylebrity guest post the total cost is $5830.

To sign up for this promotion you need Slay Network Credits.

Click HERE to purchase.

Need Assistance CONTACT US

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The most effective social Media growth service for luxury brands



Through Slaylebrities’ VIP giveaway service you can now leverage on the popular luxury Slay Network Brand to grow your brands social media presence fast.

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