These 4 tips will make you unstoppable? Why? In order to succeed in life or in business or to achieve our goals, our mind can be trained just like an athlete trains there body. What you put in is what you get out – these tips are what will bring results.

If you want to be successful, you need to cultivate your mind with the same relentless tenacity that the most elite Nike-endorsed athletes muster to train their bodies. What follows are the four foundational areas I believe any business athlete must nail:
1.  Control Your Emotions
If you want to be a great leader, step one is gaining mastery over your own emotions. People think of decision-making as a logical process, but in fact it’s an emotional one. Famed neuroscientist Antonio Damasio discovered that when people sustained damage to the region of the brain responsible for generating emotion, they were rendered pathologically incapable of making decisions. They could explain logically what situation they were in, but whether it was deciding what to eat for lunch or a major life decision, they simply could not overcome decision paralysis. The reason is emotions are what tip the scales. They are the cues that we all read to know which way we really want to go.
The cues become indecipherable noise, however, when your emotions run wild. While there is an intoxicating clarity to emotions like rage, when your emotions are out of control you can’t effectively steer your team. When you tend towards emotionality, you project an air of instability and create a massive sense of unease in your team. Consistency and stability are critical.
People will rally around a leader who has a clear vision and executes consistently. But there’s no stability if people can see that you’re easily knocked off balance emotionally. Like money, emotions are a good servant, but a bad master.

2. Decide You Are Unstoppable
Tony Robbins once said, “I’m unstoppable because I decided I am.” That quote gives me the chills, because it makes clear that identity drives behavior. The keyword is “decided.” If you want to make lasting changes in your life, don’t try to directly adjust your behavior. That’s like trying to cure a disease by merely dealing with the symptoms. You have to change your identity.
As complex as it may sound, changing identity is really straightforward. I’ll boil it down to these four steps:
Steps one and four give you a push/pull dynamic that will help you solidify your new identity. You have the excitement of being someone you’re proud of to pull you through the tough times, and the fear of embarrassing yourself by looking like a phony to push you as well.

3. Only Believe That Which Moves You Toward Your Goals
People lie to themselves all the time. The brain, in fact, is a factory of lies. From the psychological immune system, which blinds you to some harsh truths about yourself, to the way the brain seamlessly fills in the blind spot in everyone’s field of vision, the brain relentlessly makes things up. But what many people don’t realize is how many of your beliefs about yourself and what you’re capable of are BS.
The brain is a three-layered organ that has been evolving, somewhat chaotically, for millions of years. At the center is the lizard brain. Wrapped on top of that is the mammalian brain, and on top of that the neocortex — the layer that houses consciousness (supposedly) and all higher-level cognition.
We all like to think the neocortex is in full control, but in truth, your conscious mind is often the last to know. There have been some intriguing studies as of late that call into question whether we even have free will (for more on this watch the Moran Cerf episode of Impact Theory), but let’s not derail on that. For now, just know your brain’s primary directive is to keep you safe.
Given the nature of the brain’s desire to keep you safe at all costs, even if that means making you afraid to leave the house (studies show people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death), people have a default belief system that is riddled with limiting beliefs. Your brain has no shortage of excuses as to why you can’t or shouldn’t do something. It’s much safer that way, you see. That’s why I think of self-improvement in terms of escaping The Matrix.
What’s trapping you is your own belief system. But once you realize your beliefs are the construct of a mind designed to keep you from taking risks, you can take conscious control of the process and swap your limiting beliefs for beliefs that are empowering.

4.Measure Results
We’re not judged by our intentions, but by our results. That’s why you have to let data be your guide. If you’re getting the results you desire, by definition you’re doing the right things. If you’re not getting the results you desire, you are not. It really is that simple.
The key is to have very clear goals. If you don’t have insanely clear goals it becomes impossible to know if you’re heading in the right direction. Think of it this way: it’s not enough to know you want to win an Olympic gold medal. If that’s all the information you have, you wouldn’t know if you should be putting on your ice skates or practicing your breast stroke.
And even knowing your sport isn’t enough. You have to know your event and which aspect of the skill set required you need to work on. You need to set goals for each activity, each day of practice, and you need to measure it all. You need to spot trends, identify plateaus, test new theories, and watch the results to see what’s working and what’s not.
Train every day. Once I started thinking of myself as a mental athlete, the need for a training regimen became clear. We all have the same 24 hours in our day. That’s why the name of the game is efficiency. You’ve got to be ruthless with how you allocate your energies to get the biggest bang for your buck. That’s why, first and foremost, I focus on the fundamentals of self-mastery.
If you focus your attention on the four areas mentioned above, you will be light years ahead of your competitors and these 4 tips will make you unstoppable. As Leonardo daVinci noted, “One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.”

By i40club

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Nothing in your outside circumstances means anything, except what YOU make it mean.

If you’re asking, “Does this mean I can’t sell?” then, yep, it does. But if instead you’re asking, “What can I do to tweak this offer so that it will sell?” then you’re in a decisive, resourceful state where solutions can be found and progress made. (By the way, if you ask yourself a question like, “Do I REALLY want to sell this?” and get a NO. . . then by all means hop off the fence and DECIDE to pull that puppy off the market, pronto!) The point is, decision-making should be swift and powerful, and should lead to swift and powerful action. Let’s look at how decision-making works around personal issues. When you’re saying, “I can’t figure out how to stop feeling inadequate because of the way my parents treated me,” you haven’t DECIDED that you will. . . * Leave your parents’ words (which were informed by their OWN feelings of inadequacy) in the past, where they belong * Consistently focus on what you KNOW you’re good at to reinforce feelings of adequacy * Consciously re-direct your thoughtsany time you find yourself spinning out on a particularly unhelpful one like, “I’ll never be good enough” Now, I can almost hear you arguing, “But it’s not that easy!’ And you’re right. It’s NOT easy. But I challenge you to find a better alternative. I mean, what’s the alternative to making a DECISION that you’ll take control of your emotions and actions and, thus, your destiny? The alternative is NOT to decide to take control of your own emotions and actions, and instead to let the world take control of them for you. . . So even though it may not be EASY to make the above decisions (or myriad others in your life). . . It’s actually simple. You always have the power to choose how to think, feel, and act. I say this with immense love, because I’ve been on the fence about a million things in my life. . . so this ain’t Sunday, and I’m not up at the pulpit, believe me. But I’ve discovered that the times I’ve experienced the MOST success in life were the times I made a strong decision to just DO, BE, or FEEL something. And to not let anything get between that decision and me. It’s a discipline that takes practice, like any other discipline. But the rewards are immeasurable (not the least of which include FREEDOM from emotional pain). A few weeks ago I noticed something really peculiar about my habitual self-talk. It’s not something everyone does (I know, because I've discussed it with a few people)—but if YOU happen to do it, then maybe sharing this example will help you find freedom like it did me. The ‘something’ I noticed was that I would be going about my day, washing the dishes, shopping for groceries, driving to pick up my son from school, folding laundry, brushing my teeth. . . Anything where my mind didn't need to be super-focused on the task at hand (and thus could wander aimlessly). . . And suddenly, I’d be struck by a memory of something I had done in the past (maybe it was 30 years ago, maybe 2 days ago) and be overwhelmed with guilt over how ‘wrong’ I had been to do it. I’m talking knife-through-the-heart overwhelmed with guilt. I would take a moment to ask God’s forgiveness (I see God as the energy that connects all of us, by the way, not some bearded dude in the clouds). And while asking forgiveness isn’t a bad thing, and it isn’t all that peculiar on its own. . . I noticed that I had a habit of revisiting the SAME wrongdoings, over and over again. I would remember that cruel comment I made when I was 16 years old that hurt someone’s feelings. . . or that BIG thing I did to break my (now ex) husband’s heart, for which I’d apologized to him a hundred times. . . or that irresponsible financial decision I made several years ago. . . And I would find myself asking forgiveness for it, again and again. And yet, I am well aware that the purpose of forgiveness is FREEDOM. So in the act of continuing to dredge up the same ‘sins’ time and again, I wasn’t finding any freedom at all. That’s when I knew I had a decision-making problem. I had to DECIDE, once and for all, that I would only ask forgiveness once, for any indiscretion. This means that I’ll acknowledge that yes, I did something that was hurtful or irresponsible in some way, and yes, I need to apologize and make retribution for it in any way possible (including apologizing to someone I’ve hurt). But from there on out, it’s done. I think it’s actually quite interesting how much guilt a lot of so-called Christians feel AND mete out to others, while simultaneously professing to believe that Jesus died for our sins and gave us a clean slate. I guess maybe they think the clean slate happened at the time of the crucifixion and the clock was then reset? Of course, that doesn’t jive at all with Jesus’ words. Anyway. I’m digressing. But I’m digressing to prove a point. As a society, many of us let ourselves get away with NOT deciding what personal standards and truths we will hold for ourselves. Believing in the grace of God while simultaneously beating oneself up (and condemning others) is a classic case of not DECIDING. Is God graceful and forgiving, or judgmental and condemning? Which is it? I can tell you that I personally know the former to be true—but you must decide what’s true for you. In any case, the power lies in the DECISION. When you decide—when you really get committed to your truth—you no longer waffle back and forth, dissipating your energy between the two options. And THAT is how you become unstoppable. You stop being led along a rapid river of unhelpful thinking patterns that do nothing but keep you small and stuck and fearful. And instead you throw your oars in the water and start rowing to where you want to go. What will YOU decide today? So what have you been waffling about, that you can make a decision on RIGHT NOW? I’d like to challenge you to make that decision—today. So you can become unstoppable in business and life.

Source: By Helen Hunter Mackenzie

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