If you thought the Covid mRNA shots were your ticket to safety in a pandemic-ridden world, think again. A new study, conducted by some of America’s top medical professionals, has revealed a shocking truth that will make your blood run cold. Autopsy data has shown that Covid mRNA shots are directly responsible for a staggering 73.9% of all deaths around the world. Yes, you read that right – the very shots that were supposed to save lives are now being linked to causing millions of excess deaths globally.

Let’s delve into the grim details, shall we? Sudden cardiac death, accounting for 35% of fatalities, tops the list of causes directly attributed to the Covid shots. Pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%) are just some of the other deadly conditions linked to these supposedly life-saving vaccines.

The team of researchers behind this eye-opening study includes names like Nicolas Hulscher, Paul E. Alexander, Richard Amerling, and more – respected professionals in the medical field who have bravely come forward with this damning information. Their 521-page report is packed with hard-hitting figures and a thorough analysis of excess all-cause mortality from 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries, with data gathered from approximately 2.7 billion people – that’s a whopping 35% of the world’s population.

But wait, there’s more. The researchers estimate that up to 30th December 2022, a staggering 16.9 million people worldwide had lost their lives due to the adverse effects of Covid mRNA shots. Let that sink in for a moment. Millions of lives cut short, millions of families torn apart, all because of a supposed solution that has proven to be deadlier than the disease it was meant to combat.

So, what do we make of this shocking revelation? How do we come to terms with the fact that the very vaccines we trusted to keep us safe are now causing mass casualties on a global scale? Where do we go from here?

It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee, slay fitness tribe. The evidence is right in front of us, staring us in the face. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the truth – the Covid mRNA shots are not the saviors they were touted to be. They are, in fact, the harbingers of death, unleashing a wave of destruction like never before seen in modern times.

We owe it to ourselves, to our loved ones, and to future generations to demand accountability, transparency, and justice. We must stand up, speak out, and fight back against this silent killer that has infiltrated our lives under the guise of protection.

So, the next time you hear someone singing the praises of the Covid mRNA shots, remember the sobering reality – people around you are suddenly dropping dead, and the culprit may very well be lurking in that vial of vaccine. It’s time to open our eyes, question the narrative, and take action before it’s too late. The stakes are high, the clock is ticking, and the truth must prevail.

Details from the study

Sudden cardiac death (35%)
Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)
Myocardial infarction (12%)
VITT (7.9%)
Myocarditis (7.1%)
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)
Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).

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A new study, conducted by some of America's top medical professionals, has revealed a shocking truth that will make your blood run cold.

The very shots that were supposed to save lives are now being linked to causing millions of excess deaths globally

The writing is on the wall open your eyes!

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