Some of this stuff may even be accurate.
I’m happy to say I’ve visited New York City. And having visited it, I’m happy to say I got out unscathed. It is an amazing place to see. Once again, personal experience and the desire to make a buck converged to produce some research. This time it took the form of putting together unusual New York City facts. I’ll admit to inserting some bogus info in there to keep you alert.
1: It costs up to $289 thousand to get a hot dog stand permit for Central Park.
That puts a lot of pressure on vendors to make back their investment. Those guys have to sell up to ten dogs a year to get their money back. No wonder they get testy when you ask for extra kraut.
2: Flatulence in church can get you slapped with a misdemeanor.
Or it can just plain get you slapped. I guess that is the sort of rude behavior New Yorkers decided to crack down on.
3: And adding to that ill-advised theme, in 2010 38% of all 911 calls were butt calls.
Not to be confused with butt dials, these calls were complaints about somebody’s butt. Either they were showing it or needed to move it, or something like that.
4: While New York keeps a tight reign on butts, going topless is legal.
While that stand may be controversial, it does mean you can go thru the express lane at security checkpoints. No truth to the rumor this idiosyncrasy is the basis for the movie and TV series, “The Naked City.”
5. Many people know the Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from France, but there was a caveat.
The Statue of Liberty came to the United States in 350 pieces. Don’t you hate it when you get gifts that say, “Some Assembly Required?” They probably didn’t send any batteries either.
6. Unclaimed bodies from New York are buried at Hart Island.
Since 1869 nearly one million bodies have been buried on Hart Island, making it, ‘The Island That Always Sleeps.”
7. The average price of a one-bedroom apartment in New York is $3,400 a month.
Based on that, I’m not sure why the Statue of Liberty is saying, “Give me your poor.”
8. New York City is home to more billionaires than anywhere else in the world.
Some of those guys can afford a two-bedroom apartment.
9. Albert Einstein’s eyeballs and brain are in a safe deposit box in New York.
New Jersey got his hair.
10. The Straw Hat Riot occurred in New York in 1922.
Apparently, fashion-conscious youths started plucking straw hats from the heads of wearers shortly before September 15, 1922. September 15 being the unwritten cutoff day for wearing straw hats. Later Panama hats were stolen and the wearers were told to, “Buy American.”
11. Of the 800 different kinds of birds found in North America, 275 can be found in Central Park.
That number grows to 276 if you count jailbirds.
12. There are five major crime families in New York.
The Cappuccinos tried to muscle into the top five but were slowed down when they went to decaff. The five major families have recently joined forces to get into the hamburger business, opening the Five Wiseguys chain.
Most writers will give sources for their stories, but in this case, I won’t. I’m not going to rat on anybody.