Every time I discover a secret to the universe…
I analyze it.
I study it.
I understand it.
Then I weaponize it absolutely.
I exploit the fabric of space-time to achieve every possible unfair advantage and forever win.
I crush any man I’ve ever met, in every single metric.
I hear it often:
“video makes me so uncomfortable”
“it’s so stressful”
“I have no idea what to say”
“I don’t want to look like a fool” 🙈
I totally get it.
I felt like throwing up the first time I recorded my first reel.
Six hours later after recording and re-recording the same 10 seconds video, crying out of frustration, I realized I had no idea what I was doing. 😵
Like most marketers out there, I used to spend hours and hours a day creating content, creating videos, and I ended up hating the process, and let me tell you, my husband hated it too – mostly because I wasn’t getting the results I wanted and I was literally just spending hours and hours a day stuck creating content.
And if it wasn’t for a my desperate need to find prospects, I would have normally never tried reels. In my head this was only for teenagers and young models and influencers with millions of fans. None of that is me
But then one reel got popular overnight. More than ten thousand people saw it and the likes, comments, followers and DMs started to pour in.
I honestly can not describe how good it feels to wake up to these kinds of results in my inbox. ☄️🚀
And it wasn’t a fluke. I was successful in reusing that same strategy to continue generating results. Same goes for our other team members and members of the slay community.
Most network marketers won’t touch video with a 10 foot pole. So if you’re just getting started, you might have a hard time seeing yourself do reels or even figuring out where to begin. 🔮
So, let me make it easier for you.
Here’s how I make reels to get more prospects, customers and recruits:
1. 🎞️ I keep it short
Most of my reels are under 10 seconds. It’s what industry data suggests and it’s so much easier doing it this way.
2. 😇 I keep it simple
Some content creators take reels to another level with fancy transitions, multiple characters, props and costumes. I don’t have the patience or time to do all of that. And you don’t really need to do it after all. Sure, as you get better you can add these in but what I’m saying is you don’t need all the fancy transitions to see success!
At most I will do lip sync on a trending sound. But usually what I do is short video.
3. 👏 I focus on the audience
My reels focus on two things: offering value to my audience and building trust to that audience. Here’s what I share in my reels:
• mindset lessons
• tools to grow a business on social media
• behind the scenes from my life as an entrepreneur
Not all of my reels will go viral.
But at a minimum my reels will reach hundreds or thousands of new prospects each week. 🧲
This is more than enough to have a constant stream of people to talk to.
And they come to me – without any cold prospecting, bugging or begging people.
That’s such a satisfying way to grow a business. 😎
We hope this helps if you’d rather not go through the hassle of having to create content we have an even better more profitable tactic and plan you can use to scale your passive income to more than six figures a year. Check it out here