THERE are some dates which you never want to forget because, quite simply, it’s not worth the hassle.
Your anniversary is one, and Mother’s Day is another – but it can be tricky to keep track, as the date changes every year.
Here’s everything you need to know about Mothering Sunday 2017, so you’re not caught turning up to your parents’ house empty handed:
What is Mothering Sunday?
Mothering Sunday is a Christian celebration, which we Brits celebrate exactly three weeks before Easter Sun.
It was originally a day for Christians to visit their ‘mother’ church.
Traditionally, domestic servants were given the day off to return to their hometown and worship with their families.
On their way home, these youths would pick wild flowers to place in the church – or give to their mums.
The day has since evolved into an occasion for kids to honour and give presents to their hardworking mums, and has lost a lot of its religious meaning.
When is Mothers Day 2017
In the UK, Mother’s Day 2017 is being celebrated on Sunday, March 26.
In much of Europe, and the United States, the holiday is celebrated on Sunday, May 14.
It is a day for families to show their appreciation for their mothers.
Why does the date of Mothers Day change each year?
Mothering Sunday has been celebrated in the UK since the 16th century, but the date changes annually.
This is because it is linked to Easter, which is different each year as it is determined by the lunar calendar.
It always falls on the fourth Sunday during the period of Lent, when people typically give up things like certain foods or bad habits for the days leading up to Easter.
Why is Mothers Day celebrated on different dates around the world?
In America, Mother’s Day was established in 1914 – thanks to campaigns by the mums’ groups which were established during the Civil War.
Anna Jarvis, the leader of this movement, campaigned for a May date in memory of her own mum – who had died that month.
President Wilson formalised the date, but Anna later became dissatisfied with the commercialisation around Mother’s Day.
She believed the original sentiment of love and family had been sacrificed for profit.
“A printed card means nothing,” she said, “except that you are too lazy to write to the woman who has done more for you than anyone in the world.”
Many other countries have since adopted America’s date.
What gifts should you give on Mother’s Day?
There are no hard and fast rules about what to offer your mother on this special day but plenty of people kick things off with a nice breakfast in bed.
For those with younger kids, this may just be jam on toast – or even just a mess on a tray – while the oldies may want to whip up some eggs and a freshly squeezed OJ.
Either way, she’s sure to think it’s perfect.
Lots of people also opt for a bunch of flowers with tulips being a good value, seasonal choice.
Simnel cake is also traditionally associated with Mother’s Day, with people traditionally preparing one for their family to mark the occasion.
It is a simple fruit cake decorated with marzipan and with marzipan baked into the centre.
By The Sun UK
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