When friends and family ask what we would like for a gift, the first things to come to mind are usually things. But if we stop to really think about it, most of us have all we need, and extra stuff just becomes clutter. Instead of the typical gift list, use these ideas to think of what would really improve your life. Whether its an experience, a service, or an object that truly brings you joy, these gift ideas are all about finding more time, peace, and happiness.

Gifts to Find More Time

Meal delivery service: There is no shame in adding a time-saving service to your wish list, and a meal delivery service delivers in a major way. With meal planning, grocery shopping, preparation, and cleanup, the process of getting a healthy and tasty meal on your table takes up a big chunk of your time. A meal delivery service gives you that time back, and it’s fun to get to try new things.

● House-cleaning service: Just as with meal prep, the time we spend keeping our homes clean really adds up. Adding a house-cleaning service to your wish list gives you extra time and boosts your quality of life with the joy of coming home to a clean house. While we may be reluctant to pay for services, a recent study showed that people who used services to save time reported being happier than those who didn’t use these services.

Shopping subscriptions: Consider asking for a subscription box that takes care of your shopping for you. Whatever you spend the most time shopping for, whether it’s clothing, makeup, or even pet supplies, there is likely a subscription box that you can have delivered right to your door. U.S. News recommends affordable subscription services to save both time and money.

Gifts to Find More Peace (and Less Stress)

Coloring books: Adult coloring books are much more than just a trend. Coloring not only brings joy and a sense of accomplishment, but the act of coloring also promotes mindfulness by giving you an outlet to quiet your mind. The Atlantic even compares coloring to the practice of art therapy, which numerous studies have shown to reduce stress.

● Yoga or meditation classes: Activities like yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation have amazing benefits for reducing stress and also helping with pain and other physical ailments. Look for local classes that loved ones can gift you.

● Massage and aromatherapy: Similar to yoga, massage promotes relaxation for stress relief and can ease physical pain at the same time. Add in aromatherapy, or simply use aromatherapy at home, and the stress relief benefits are multiplied.

Gifts to Find More Joy

● Experience gifts: Asking for the gift of an experience gives you happiness in a way that no other gift can. Think about your interests or something you’ve always wanted to try but never made the time for, like cooking or crafting classes. Taking a class helps you discover joy in something entirely new, and it also creates a dedicated time just for you, away from your everyday to-do list.

● Gifts that give back: The joy of gift giving is doubled when you give (or receive) a gift that also helps someone in need. These ideas from Greatist are full of fun, and they give you plenty of options to support the organizations that mean to most to you. Another option is to simply request a donation be made to a specific organization in your honor. Asking for charitable giving helps you simplify life and cut clutter, and you get the joy of knowing your gift makes a difference.

Whatever it is you’re looking for, craft your own gift list that is all about simplifying. The perfect gift should add more of what you want out of life and help get rid of that nagging stress that you don’t want.

By Julie Morris

About Julie Morris

Julie Morris is a life and career coach. She thrives on helping others live their best lives. It’s easy for her to relate to clients who feel run over by life because she’s been there. After years in a successful (but unfulfilling) career in finance, Julie busted out of the corner office that had become her prison.

Today, she is fulfilled by helping busy professionals like her past self get the clarity they need in order to live inspired lives that fill more than just their bank accounts. When Julie isn’t working with clients, she enjoys writing and is currently working on her first book. She also loves spending time outdoors and getting lost in a good book.

Photo credit: PixaBay

The perfect gift should add more of what you want out of life

Source: By : Pixabay(https://pixabay.com/en/box-card-celebrate-celebration-2953722/)

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