In celebration of the return of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the 56-year-old funnylady invited Anthony Carbajal—who spearheaded the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge after being diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease in January at just 26 years old—to the season 12 premiere of her show where the two doused themselves in freezing cold water to raise awareness for the cause.
“It really did get a lot of attention and it got my attention,” DeGeneres tells Anthony of his own YouTube video, which has been viewed over 16 million times. “I was planning on doing it. There was no way that I wasn’t doing it and then I saw your video and in the beginning of the video he nominated me. Why did you nominate me?”
As for whom Ellen chose to nominate? Beyoncé, as well as Kim Kardashian, who is a guest on the show on Tuesday and already teased her acceptance via Instagram of the viral video challenge.
“Yep this happened on @TheEllenShow Thanks to @SarahJessicaParker @miraduma @olivier_rousteing @GiuseppeZanottiWorld for the nominations #ALSIceBucketChallange,” the 33-year-old stunner captioned the shot in which she’s snapping a selfie (natch) just prior to being soaked with a bucket full of freezing cold water while wearing some fancy designer duds.
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