OMG what can we say? Mamala Leo is our top star family today.

If you’ve never been to this slay family’s Instagram you need to go there now. You’ll certainly be hooked and green with envy at how close knit this slay family squad are.

A close knit family consists of adults and children. Since children are innocent, it is up to the adults to help shape the four walls around them. They could help shape those walls into a home or a house.

A home is where there is love and understanding between the members of the family, while a house is just a place where members come in to sleep, eat, and then disperse.

Technology such as television, video games, and Internet is catching up in every household. Statistics show that an average child spends four to five hours in front of the television set while only five to 10 minutes with his parent.

Divorces are also on the rise due to lack of time and communication. Every adult in a family needs to work towards creating a close knit kin. Such a scenario is not built-in one day. Each family ought to take baby steps to be close to each other and be there for each other through thick and thin. It is important to set some time aside for bonding, and sparing time to laugh and cry with each other.

See some tips below to create your own slay family

Share private moments

Each family is entitled to have their share of private moments especially during the time of happiness and sorrow. Making sure the family is present during special events or occasions such as the time of birth of a child, marriage of a relative or a sibling, housewarmings, festivals and birthday celebrations. This can accentuate life and help make memories while nourishing the emotional and spiritual being.

Source: By life hacks

Create your own family traditions

Every family should have their own ritual to celebrate a festival or a birthday or an anniversary. Be unique by designing it together as a family and this will help make it a fun event for the children while helping to create everlasting memories.

Source: By life hacks

Communication and Love

Communication helps families to open up with their emotions and that helps in giving up the grudges against each other. Result is love and understanding. Parents ought to be open to ideas since that expression will lead to boosting confidence and help in improving relationships. Buying a house from your hard earned money is easy. The real challenge is to make it a home and help create memories. Patience is the key while practicing the above tactics to help create a close-knit family.

Source: By life hacks

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