The sun actually sets on me!

I tried not to fidget as I waited for Marcie to reappear. Her kitchen felt both familiar and alien from peering at it across the back yards. I took a sip of the coffee we’d hurriedly brought back with us. It was still hot. Barely any time had passed, and I’d already become so nervous, restless.

In the cafe she’d talked about how exhausting it could be to hide your true self. I’d started to wonder what she meant by that. I didn’t have to wait long to find out.

“Melissa, you can come in,” she called. The door to her room opened.
It was small and sweet, with fairy lights over her bed. She must have heard the comforter rustle as I sat. I didn’t see her right away, but she revealed herself by closing the door again.

She was all in black. A v-neck sweater, leg warmers, a small skirt, and fingerless leather gloves. On her head was a black fuzzy headband with two triangular ears. She’d even drawn whiskers on her cheeks in white lines. She turned for me, showing a long black tail that went almost to her knees hanging from the back of her skirt.

At first, it seemed almost silly, but the purely earnest look in her eyes made that feeling go away. I knew I didn’t understand everything, but she’d trusted me enough to go out on a limb. It was touching, moving even, to get to be that person for her.

“You’re really pretty,” I told her, realizing I felt drawn to her.

“Thanks.” She looked down at her socks. “I don’t wear this in front of anybody. They wouldn’t understand.”

“I’m not sure I do,” I began, “but I’d like to.”

She sat next to me on her bed, closer than we’d ever been before. I could feel the warmth from her body radiating next to me. She was so cute, too cute.

“These,” she gestured to the cat ears, “were from a Halloween costume I had as a kid. I started wearing them when I’d get stressed, and they’d help me calm down. They made a lot of things a lot easier for me.”

Her words tugged at me. “Marcie,” I started, “it’s okay to say no, it won’t bother me but, I’d just… if it’s alright, I really… would it be okay if I kissed you?”

She looked at me, not far from tears. I worried that I’d hurt her, that she’d put her trust in me, and I’d ruined it.

“Please,” she whispered, “please kiss me.”

Our lips met, and something released in me. Her mouth pressed hungrily into mine. I pulled her closer to me, and she leaned into my body. It felt wonderful to be suddenly connected with her.

She pulled back, breathing heavily, shocked by what had just happened.

“That was okay, right,” she asked, worried about me.

“Yeah,” I smiled, “more than okay. That was good.”

“Okay,” she panted, still taken aback.

“I really like you,” I told her, “especially the cat side of you.”

“I like you too,” she said, “like, a lot. I just… well… dressing up isn’t the only cat thing I do.”

“What do you mean,” I asked.

“Well, uh…” her cheeks blushed bright pink.

I took her hand. “It’s ok, you can tell me.”

“Well, I meow, and purr.” She paused, considering whether to continue. “I also… crawl and… lick milk from a saucer on the floor.”

“What?” I couldn’t contain my surprise.

“I know, I know.” The regret was palpable in her voice.

“No, it’s okay, I’m sorry.” I just wanted her to feel alright again. “It’s like I said, I think I just don’t understand yet. Hang on, wait here.”

I stood, thinking for a moment, then went out to the kitchen. After some searching and preparation, I called back to her.


She opened her bedroom door, timid but curious. I’d set a saucer out for her with warmed milk.

“It’s alright,” I assured, stepping back. “Show me.”

She knelt, then got on all fours. The transformation was spellbinding. She really was cat-like. After a winding journey past the kitchen table, she pawed her way to the saucer. Her tail wagged lazily as her hips swayed to and fro. The sight of her was strange and alluring.

She sniffed the milk, considering her next move. After a moment, she looked up at me, a blank expression obscuring her thoughts.

“Meow?” she asked.

“Hi!” I said in my kindest voice.

She crawled past the saucer, next to me, brushing her side against my leg. Without thinking, I reached down to pet her soft sweater. I felt that same welcoming warmth from her. She brushed her head against my leg, and I felt more than heard her purrs. It felt amazing to have this side of her welcoming me. And I must admit, I found it incredibly sexy too.

She returned to the saucer and leaned forward to drink, presenting me with her tail-clad behind. I don’t know if I was discovering a wild new kink I’d never noticed before or just horned up from the guys being gone. Either way, I felt drawn to her, provoked by her. The wet sounds of her lapping brought visions of her using that tongue on me.

“Shit, Marcie,” I spoke, half thinking, “I want you so much right now.”

She turned to me again, milk dripping from her lip.

“Meow!” She nodded.

I knelt behind her and ran my hands over her body as she returned to her saucer. Exploring her petite frame was a joy, but the soft warmth of her costume made it somehow sweeter. I stroked down her smooth legs, which brought a purr out of her. She leaned back into me, pushing her ass into my thighs. I wasn’t ready for how good it felt to have her rub against me. She’d tapped directly into the primal part of myself that Reese and Dwane had only hinted at or teased out.

“Is this ok?” I asked, drawing my hands up to the gentle curve of her buns. She purred softly but audibly when my hands pushed her skirt up, finding no panties underneath. The sight and feel of her creamy skin made my knees weak. I sat on my heels, leaned forward, and kissed one cheek, then the next, unable to deter my temptation. Her purrs deepend enough that I felt them on her skin.

“Fuck, Marcie,” I whispered, almost to myself, “I’m losing my mind.”

She turned to look at me, then slowly settled into my lap. My arms wrapped themselves around her middle. She felt so small and delicate, yet vital and important.

She took my hand in her paw and drew it down between her legs. The first touch of her pussy sent a wave of calm and delight through me.

“Prrrrr,” she hummed against my ear. She’d invented a new thrill for me. I was hooked, helpless to her sweet, soft seduction.

I ventured a finger between her folds and found she was drenched. I guessed that she had been since she emerged from her bedroom. I traced her wetness up to her clit. She squeezed her thighs together, urging me on when I made slow, lazy circles for her.

She pushed her body against mine in appreciation, so I gave her more. Quickly, both my hands were at work under her skirt. She petted my arms with her paws, rubbing and mewling as she let go. I could tell then that this could become addictive, but I didn’t care. I urgently needed to please her, push her as far as she’d go with me. I wanted to give her all she could take.
Her purring and mewling gave way to moans and gasps. I felt her tighten around my fingers, and tense her shoulders. She ground her ass into my yoga pants which pressed her little tail into my crotch. I loved how wild this little animal wanted to be, and how freeing it was to go wild with her.
It was strange, a bit surreal, but so unbelievably good.

“Yes,” I whispered in her ear, “good kitty, you’re such a good girl, aren’t you.”
She craned her neck to see my face. Her fear and desperation mingled in a swirling cloud in her eyes.

“Mmm, yeah,” she pleaded to me, “please, please!”

“That’s right,” I urged in hushed tones, “come for me like a good kitty.”

Her body pulsed and twisted as she rode her climax through in my lap. She pawed and scratched at my legs, but I wouldn’t let up until I knew she was done. It thrilled me no end to feel her flex and bend and writhe in my arms.

“Fuck, Melissa,” she hissed, “what are you doing to me?”

“What I want,” I asserted, “and what you need, kitty.”

I pushed my fingers as deep and as fast as they’d go into her and spun her clit with frenzied lust. There was nothing I could do to pull myself back; no thinking, or caution, or mercy. We both let our bodies take charge of her until she moaned out clear and free, then crumpled limp and spent in my embrace.

I held her small, fragile form close to me as she panted herself out of her aftershocks. Her twitches subsided after a moment, so we lay together on the cool kitchen floor. She muttered dreamily to herself, but I couldn’t make out her words.

“What?” I asked.

She turned around to face me again, tucking herself into my side, and nestled into my shoulder. Soft, satisfied purring floated away from her as we lazed there. I petted her back and enjoyed the quiet sweetness of her warmth.

“Good kitty,” I spoke tenderly, “good, good girl.”


Don’t worry your escapades are safe with us.








The sun actually sets on me!

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