Original work of Art by Slay My Art.

Your painting will be created very similar in same style, colors, you will receive the same quality and beauty of the painting as what you see from the pictures.

Because all of slay my art paintings are handmade and often custom ordered, minor or subtle changes may occur with your painting. Your painting may not be exactly the same as the picture you ordered. It will be nearly identical, but not exactly the same. What We can promise is the quality of work we deliver on, and it will be a beautiful painting as you expect.

Slay concierge notes
Most attractive feature: The writing is on the wall, look at the magnificent texture in the centre.

Delivery 6-8 weeks

Price: $11,125
Includes complimentary worldwide shipping

Instructions to purchase: click the Buy Now link above, click the add to cart link, then click the cart and follow the steps to check out

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The explosion happened so fast before i could even blink!!

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