People criticize the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge all the time, but a new book alleges the royal couple not only faces judgement from the media, but from their own father[-in-law] as well.
In Prince Charles: The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life, author Sally Bedell Smith claims the then-newlyweds “irked” the heir on their 2011 North American tour. Prince Charles dismissed the trip to Canada and California as having too many photo ops.

According to CafeMom, the royal “wasn’t pleased with the camera-friendly couple” and considered the pictures “tasteless.” Those are some harsh words supposedly coming from dad.

Smith also alleges the Queen acted with more understanding towards the young couple. She even slashed the wedding guest list to please her grandson, apparently saying, “Get rid of it … Start from your friends and then we’ll add those we need to in due course. It’s your day.” They then trimmed down the proposed 700 invitees, nixing two former prime ministers in the process.

In fact, the prince and the monarch are closer than you think, according to an included interview. “William is like his grandmother,” says his former principal private secretary, Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton. “He gets on with his duty, dedicates himself to doing the job … [He’s] looking at ‘the long game.'”
Prince Charles can thank his son and daughter-in-law for at least one thing, however. After Princess Charlotte was born in 2015, he said, “I was hoping for a granddaughter — someone to look after me when I am very old

By Harper’s Bazaar

Prince Charles allegedly said photos from their first official tour as a couple were "tasteless."

Duke and Duchess enjoy a rodeo demonstration during their 2011 visit to Calgary.

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