What can I say I’m human I have naughty tendencies

The first Thursday night was about a year ago. I remember it like yesterday. I watched them making love from inside the wardrobe in our bedroom.
It’s a truly magical wardrobe. I’ve seen things far more fantastical than those people who found Narnia in the back of a wardrobe. I found more than Narnia. I found a place I can only call Pleasuropolis. It’s a city. The only part of the city I’ve ever seen, however, is this one-bedroom. It’s the most pleasureful place on earth — or in the whole universe for that matter.
Nothing could be more pleasurable to watch from this wardrobe than my beautiful wife enter with her date. I had drilled a penny size hole in the door of the wardrobe, which was a little painful for me to do since I hated damaging the antique that way. But it was the price of admission to me — to that magic show called Pleasuropolis.
And now for you, too. You can witness the whole thing with me, through my eyes, and vicariously you can go to where I go, each Thursday night. I’m only going to take you there for the very first night. But you can imagine the subsequent Thursday nights — about fifty of them so far — where they went even further, and had even more pleasurable experiences than this, their first time together.

So that first night she had told her little friend from work, Clint, that her husband — me — worked late every Thursday night, and asked him if he wanted to come over. So they were downstairs for a while, having a drink. I heard laughter and so on, but I didn’t dare leave my post there inside the wardrobe.
After about an hour, they came into the bedroom, hand in hand. She told him to make himself comfortable on the bed while she went into her walk in closet to change into a sexy lingerie get up that she had shown me earlier.
He pulled down his pants and shirt and sat there on MY BED, in his underwear, with a big hard on pushing up.
My wife Gloria came out after a few minutes and she did look smoking hot in the black lace. Her breasts are 36 inches, her waist is slim, her legs are gorgeous. Her hair was falling in curls down her back. And this guy Clint had a big smile on his face when he saw her.
And me too, hidden in the wardrobe, I had an even bigger smile on my face. It was my first experience of this great city, Pleasuropolis. It was as if there was a tour guide announcing it to me: “Welcome to the city of Pleasuropolis, where your greatest fantasy comes true, while you have your hand on your dick, milking it for all the pleasure that is possible in life. That’s right, you fantasized about seeing your wife intimate with another man. Well, guess what, scout, there’s another man with a hard-on, lying on YOUR bed. It’s all happening just like you fantasized. Only this is real. This is the real wonder of Pleasuropolis, where things you only thought possible in dreams actually come true. That, by the way, is why your cock feels like it’s about to explode right now.”
They started making out, both on their knees on the bed, you know, really getting into it with one another. This sexual tension had been building for about a year, see, and now they were finally letting it go.

“Oh baby, oh baby,” was really all they said to each other. And things like, “You’re so amazing.” “No, you’re more amazing.”
It wasn’t Shakespeare, but it did the trick for me. Maybe it will do the trick for you. Imagine your wife or girlfriend there on your bed, saying, “Oh baby, you’re so amazing,” to some guy with a big hard-on in his underpants. And you’re there looking through that little hole in the wardrobe. You have a perfect, perfect view of everything. And you’re jerking off, of course.
Then he pulls the lingerie down and reveals your wife’s tits. Imagine that. You see that her nipples are all hard and excited. He feels them with his hands, and he kisses them and sucks them and says again, “You’re so amazing.”
The imaginary tour guide: “Yes, here at Pleasuropolis, your wife shows her tits to another man, and she loves it. He loves it, and you love it too. It’s just sex sex sex! More sex than you can imagine! Enjoy!”
And he slides a hand up between her thighs and really makes her moan.
“Here at Pleasuropolis, a woman’s pussy will be rubbed, and you will watch the woman, oh and that woman will be YOUR WIFE! Are you hearing me correctly? Your SWEET WIFE! The object of all your desire and fascination. Look at that!”
Then she pulls his underpants down and starts rubbing his dick.
Tour guide: “Here in the city of Pleasuropolis, there is ANOTHER DICK. There’s your dick, and then there’s this other dick. Another man’s dick. Do you find that fantastic or what? Yeah, there it is, popped out and throbbing. It’s a bigger and better dick! Enjoy!”
“It’s so big,” she marvels.

“Is it bigger than your husband’s?” he asks, for some reason.
“I don’t want to think about him right now, Clint,” she says. Then she adds, “But yeah, it’s a lot bigger. He doesn’t really satisfy me, you understand?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna satisfy you, don’t worry about that baby.”
Imagine hearing your wife say that out loud. I mean, I knew I wasn’t satisfying her. That’s why we set this whole thing up, after all. But to hear her say it. Well, she was young. She had her whole life ahead of her. And to be married to someone who didn’t satisfy her — me — that was just sad. I felt really sorry for her, being stuck with me, as I watched how excited and breathless she was getting with this guy. She never got breathless or excited with me. She always just looked like she was tolerating sex, you know.
But now, imagine watching this, and finding out what you’d been missing, not being able to excite your wife. But now, you get to see her excited at least, and you’re jerking off, so it’s almost like you’re exciting her. But it’s even better. Because your heart is almost exploding with jealousy and pain, because he’s got his hands and mouth all over her. And now — look what she’s doing.
She’s sucking his cock.
That’s something she’s done exactly no times since the wedding. She did it a few times leading up to it, sure. But now that she has the ring on her finger she claims she doesn’t really like sucking my dick.
But boy does she look pretty excited about sucking that big thing.
“Will it even fit in my mouth?” she asks.
“Open wide,” he jokes.
And she does. She opens her mouth wide, and here in Pleasuropolis, I see my wife put her lovely thick lips on some other guy’s cock. There are tingles racking up and down my spine as I watch this. She really hams it up during this blowjob. She sucks down the side of the shaft. She uses both her hands like a corkscrew on his shaft as she sucks the head and makes him moan.

“Don’t, I’m gonna cum,” he says, stopping her.
She smiles up at him, proud of herself. She sees how turned on he is. I’ve never seen her look so proud.
Then he slides her panties off and he starts eating her pussy.
“Oh my God, my God!” she says, and he seems to be doing a pretty good job of it.
“You taste so good,” he says.
And it hits you. Another man is tasting your wife. And he’s liking it. She’s liking it.
“Yeah, lick me baby, lick me, you lick me so good. I feel it, baby, it’s rising up in me, you’re gonna make me cum, are you gonna make me cum? Huh?”
“I hope so,” he says.
And then she lifts her butt up off the bed and she starts orgasming. Something you’ve never been able to make her do. She’s had orgasms with you, but only by using her own hand. Never by your hand, your mouth, or your dick. Once or twice you’ve held the vibrator and made her cum that way, but she’s much better at it herself so you just let her hold it now.
But this guy, he licked her right over the edge, in about a minute. She’s cum so good. She sighs loudly and now I can tell what she wants. She wants that dick in her pussy.
“Fuck me baby,” she says. “I want you so bad. I’ve never wanted anything so bad. I want your sexy dick inside me. Please fuck me!”
“This is what you want?” he teases her, putting his dick right up against her pussy.
“Yes! Yes!”
And he’s on top of her fucking her now. And you are watching. But it’s not like a porno. Remember, it’s your wife you’re watching. With a strange man. His desire. His hard-on. His intimacy with YOUR wife. It’s incredible. You’ve watched porn, sure. But you’ve never imagined this kind of arousal. You didn’t know it was possible. Your heart is pounding. You’re almost in a state of shock, watching her get fucked by another guy. Listening to her scream. Listening to her having a second orgasm.
And now, he’s by her side, kissing her and fondling her, and from this position, you have a terrific view of his cock going in and out of her pussy. You see it there, that mound of black pubic hair, and those familiar pussy lips. But something very UNFAMILIAR going inside it. The big snake that is this stranger’s dick. Maybe eight inches. In and out, in and out, totally filling her up. And he’s skillful, he takes a finger and tickles her clit as he does this, and soon she is having her third orgasm.

“Oh, Clint, oh Clint, oh Clint, you’re making me cum again! Clint!” she screams.
And she lifts her butt up off the sheets again and lets the orgasm just take her. She screams bloody murder.
And now, he gets excited and he really starts ramming her. Your poor wife, you’re watching her get jackhammered now, he’s hammering and hammering, but she loves it.
Then he pulls out his dick and he shoots a big load of cum. There’s a trail of it, up over that black pubic hair. Over her little belly. And a big wad landing right between her lovely tits.
And she smiles.
A woman always smiles when she makes a man ejaculate. She’s accomplished her mission, I guess.
She laughs.
He laughs.
It’s such a big load, and it’s there, all over your wife. Your wife is covered in cum.
And you are in Pleasuropolis. It’s time to let yourself go all the way. To the city center of Pleasuropolis. You let yourself cum finally. Looking at your cum covered wife, it just does it for you. It takes you all the way there.
You let out a little sigh as you cum.
You hope they can’t hear it out there.
But then again, you can’t control yourself, the orgasm is so intense, of course some little grunting came out, but those two are so wrapped up in their postcoital cooing and kissing, they didn’t notice.
Now you’ve cum too.

You’ve enjoyed your wife’s date night. The first of many to come.
And it never gets old. Watching Clint cover your wife in cum is what you live for now.
You’re only alive on Thursdays. On the other days you’re just thinking over and over again about Clint cumming on her again. You can’t wait. You love the way he shoots it all over her. He doesn’t want to get her pregnant, see, so over the year he’s cum on every body part. Even her lovely face. I think you liked that the most, that Thursday night, when he told her to kneel in front of him and he shot it all over her face and she smiled that satisfied smile and let it drip all over her mouth.
And you came in the wardrobe, so hard, so very hard as you watched another man’s cum dripping down your wife’s face.
What could be better? What?
So after a little while, Clint gets dressed and leaves. When I hear his car drive off, I finally come out of the wardrobe.
My wife is lying languidly, still covered in his cum.
I grab her hand.
“Did you enjoy that?” she asks, slyly.
“Yes, thank you,” I say. “Thank you so much. It was fantastic. Did you enjoy it too?”
“Well, you saw, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I saw,” I say. “I saw everything. And it was beautiful. Thank you.”
And she squeezes my hand. We’re both so happy!


Don’t worry your escapades are safe with us.








What can I say I’m human I have naughty tendencies

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