An almost fetishistic collage art piece from slay my art.
This piece reminds us of an interview with Kate Nash:
The reasons I have not done a “scandalous photo shoot” are simple.
1. Because it has nothing to do with my work or art.
2. Because I think it’s dumb, and
3. Because I don’t see it as a particularly sexy thing to do.
I think that Nuts magazine is tasteless and ridiculous, I think someone who sends in a picture of their “tits” to be rated by a magazine is insecure and their boyfriend must be a total dick.
I spend so much time as a woman in a man’s world trying to get the world to judge me on anything other than my breasts and body shape that I couldn’t possibly throw it all away so recklessly; all that hard work gone in the flash of a camera. And guess what? I don’t feel suppressed by this, or unsexy! I don’t feel the need to tone down on my femininity either. I am liberated by many things. By punk women in history, by Suffragettes and Suffragists and Bikini Kill; by my girlfriends, genius glitter queen Brigitte Aphrodite, poet Laura Dockrill, artist Sarah Maple, actress and writer Sarah Solemani, singer/songwriter Soko, and amazing teen band Supercute! By The Cribs political, smart, feminist and refreshing views in the rock scene. By the fact that I live in a world where I can be free sexually, I can wear revealing clothing if I want to, I can buy condoms, go on the pill, get the coil, talk about sex, write about it and keep it to myself if I wish.
I just don’t see why being “sexy” in a very commercial sense of the word has to come into me being a musician or being creative. I’d prefer to talk about women and men who’ve changed my life and should change the lives of others. I want to keep creating, to make things, to write better than I did before, to play my instruments more, to hone skills, to travel and read books. I want to learn how to use my sewing machine, to cook better, to make my live show more raw, more passionate, more exciting. I want to make albums, to act, to explode for goodness sake! I have so much to give that isn’t based on my breast size or sex appeal.
I just don’t see why being “sexy” in a very commercial sense of the word has to come into me being a musician or being creative. I’d prefer to talk about women and men who’ve changed my life and should change the lives of others. I want to keep creating, to make things, to write better than I did before, to play my instruments more, to hone skills, to travel and read books. I want to learn how to use my sewing machine, to cook better, to make my live show more raw, more passionate, more exciting. I want to make albums, to act, to explode for goodness sake! I have so much to give that isn’t based on my breast size or sex appeal.
When it comes to making art and living I try to soak up good and make my own version of good. I don’t excuse shitty rock-star behaviour from anyone. I don’t buy “hey, a man can do it and get away with it, so just call me a rock star”. Neither do I believe in making life choices on what will sell more records (and I have been told in the past if I had less opinions I would), I don’t care, as far as I’m concerned.
What history has taught me is that intelligence and art will always be remembered. I am free to care or not to care about being sexy at any time, and I am free to offer and be offered something more real. Real sexiness is about confidence, intelligence, mystery, art and passion. So I guess I do care about being sexy then, though I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that terminology, seeing as most people don’t seem to agree with my definition of the word.
Source Independent
Art price: $2033.94
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