We joined Levelsio photo ai app affiliate program.
Even though we have a policy of not doing affiliate programs we went ahead anyway because we had a high opinion of Levelsio after following him on Twitter and listening to his interview with my first million podcast. Also as we have a photo based platform we thought this app would do quite well on our platform.
Unfortunately we were left un impressed, after joining this program.
We joined in March 2023 shortly after he announced the program on Twitter.
We dedicated an entire team to promoting the link which was an out of pocket expense to our business and then to our surprise we received a message from photo ai about a week after joining informing us to enter our wise.com email to receive payment. We had registered already with our PayPal email.
This was quite alarming as what was evident was that Levelsio had ultimately decided to remove PayPal as a payment option to his affiliates without any notice. What if we didn’t have the option to use wise? The money expended already on promoting the program would have been lost!
This actually led us to promptly down size the marketing efforts as we were no longer so confident in the program.
After two weeks we received a notice informing us that we had received a sale. We went back to read the terms and conditions to determine when payment would be made and to our surprise there was no mention of this in the terms and conditions. We tried to reach out to Levelsio via Twitter and he has not responded till date. Indeed it was a rewardful rep who had commented on his Twitter page who finally sent us a response saying that most of their affiliate program owners pay at the 01st of every month. But this could not be for photo AI app as the commission earned was before the 01st of April and no payment has been received till date today being 19th of April.
We then went further to email photoai app requesting the terms of payment and we are very surprised that we have still not received a response.
Indeed it was shocking when we dug deeper to try to get answers on Levelsio Twitter that there is a tweet where he mentions that he just copied the terms and conditions from someone else. No wonder the terms and conditions are lacking basic information.
After reading some reviews on Tik Tok we see that this lack of attention to detail is also filtering into the service itself as lots of people were left dissatisfied with the service after paying.
All in all we are left unimpressed with this program and will not be promoting it any further on the platform.