I’m devastated and heartbroken after finding out that my husband of a year has been having an affair , which started a while before we were married and carried on after our wedding.
Someone I don’t know, but who knows my husband, messaged me via social media to tell me. They said they felt awful giving me such horrible news, but felt I deserved to know.
I confronted him with all the details and he couldn’t lie because I knew names, dates, places and times.
He claimed it’s been over for a couple of months because he felt so guilty and said it started with a drunken night and then carried on, but it was just about sex. He’s pleaded with me to stay and give him another chance but, honestly, I don’t know if I can.
My dreams for the future have been crushed and I can’t contemplate having kids with a man who’s lied to me on this level.

Since it all came out, his behaviour has been weird. He guards his phone and is quiet and sullen all the time.
I’ve since looked forensically at our joint bank account and seen cinema trips and restaurant bills that I don’t recognise, which means he must have taken her. It doesn’t sound like “just sex” to me. Even though we’re still fairly newly married , I feel in my gut that I should walk away, but it just feels like such a failure. What do you think I should do?

Coleen says
I think you know what you want to do, but you’re just looking for some confidence to trust your gut.
It worries me his behaviour is secretive, it worries me that he’s still not being open and honest, and it worries me that he went through with the wedding when he was sleeping with someone else.
First off, you haven’t failed. He’s messed up and it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been married if you want to leave. You can walk away and no one will judge you for it – this is all on him.
Who knows why he carried on with the wedding? He’s either an arrogant narcissist who thought he could do what he liked and get away with it, or maybe he got swept up in the wedding juggernaut and felt he couldn’t back out.
Either way, he’s not trustworthy or strong and definitely not someone you should be considering starting a family with at this point in time.
You could try counselling if he was willing, but don’t try to save the marriage just because you think you should. This is a huge betrayal at the very start of your life together and you deserve so much better.








By Mirror

I’m devastated and heartbroken after finding out that my husband of a year has been having an affair I thought he loved me…

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