Slay My Art casts endeavour to capture the essence of an exact moment in time. With over 17 years experience, creating precious baby hand and feet casts for your loved ones to treasure. With passion and tender loving care the slay my art team will work together to create something precious and rare. The greatest keepsake.
Honoured are they to re-create a cast sculpture of your baby’s hands and feet or yours for you to treasure and adore and give you many years of pleasure, gazing upon these timeless beautiful pieces of art. They will stand the test of time and be admired forever as they are made with love and creativity, straight from the heart.
How it works
After purchase
Send a clear picture of your babies feet or hand or yours in the exact position you would like the cast made. To concierge at sales@slaynetwork.co.uk
Concierge will get in touch to discuss your Color preference silver, gold or bronze
Delivery 8-12 weeks
No returns or exchanges permitted.
Price: $2193
Includes complimentary worldwide shipping.
Instructions to purchase: click the Buy Now link above, enter the Price indicated above, fill in the necessary details to purchase the required amount of slay dollars (store credits) to purchase this item and checkout. Slay Concierge will contact you to arrange your delivery pls have the title of this post on hand
Need further assistance? Contact concierge here
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