We love Jim Carrey,


He’s DA man.

Did you know he used
to sit on Mulholland Drive
visualizing his name in
lights before he got famous?

And did you know;

When he was flat broke he
wrote himself a check for
the future for $10 Million for
“acting services rendered”.

Several years passed.

And then a few days before
his visualization check date
he got paid $10M for Dumb and Dumber.

But as JC himself says;

“You can’t just visualize
and go make a sandwich.
You need to get busy.”

So if you’ve been visualizing
your online success, sales
making and such then this
opportunity is for you…

Especially because it takes
away the requirement to do
actual work, which is nice.

It will become really difficult
To be accepted into this circle
Soon, click here to apply before It’s too late for you.

Source Michael Cheney

It is better to risk starving to death than to surrender. If you give up on your dreams what's left?

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer

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