So Kevin Hart has just stepped down from probably the most prestigious gig in his career, hosting the Oscars, over some tweets the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community feel offended by.
He basically said his greatest fear was his son becoming gay. The question is dont we all? How would you feel if your son brought home another man? If your religious and personal views dont agree with homosexuality, should you be targeted and stripped of the means of your livelihood?
It is one thing to protect gay people from physical attacks and bashing but it is a completely different thing for A country to be pro Gay.
A large percentage of The entertainment industry is Gay, even in Nigeria you will be shocked if people come out of the closet. In Hollywood these guys have considerable power and they now equate discrimination against gays with racial discrimination.
There is almost no show you watch on TV without some gay characters e.g Empire.
I went to a boys only school and we had a few incidents of guys caught in the act. I chose to believe it was because they were in an unnatural environment. Some people claim they are born gay but even science has not proved it. I had this muscle bound fine boy colleague who I later discovered to be Gay, he actually married and had a kid but couldn’t cope and went back to his old ways.
Maybe someday someone will accuse me of homophobia with this post, but I believe what is wrong is wrong. We should call a spade a spade and not a garden tool. I don’t and will never stand with the gay community and no one should force anyone to violate their moral positions. No wahala Kevin..as my people will say.. “It is well”
By Bayo Oyenoga