I am very picky, I only f*ck with perfection
I was so excited when we got contacted by Ben. He sent us a picture, shirtless, very buff, very handsome with some tattoos and an obviously big dick pushing out of his shorts.
My wife said, “Oh sure, he’s perfect.”
She’s kind of picky. And she doesn’t do me the great kindness of cuckolding me all that often.
It’s like once in a while nowadays.
But she knows how much it means to me, so every so often she will play the game. I mean, it’s not just for my benefit. She enjoys it immensely, don’t get me wrong. It’s just, well, she has other interests. Women are not like men, maybe. It’s not all sex sex sex for them. She’s busy with her career and her social life. But sometimes she’s not so busy. And she will look at me and say in so many words, sure, let’s play.
That’s when my heart sings. Sings, sings, sings. I feel like a young man again. Maybe on my way to Shea Stadium to see a Mets game. Or like the night I went on my first date. That kind of excitement.
It’s so rare for a man my age (fifty! OMG) to feel this kind of excitement, I know. Most of us have kind of died inside. “Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.”
But not me. I was SO thrilled to receive this picture from Ben. We got on FaceTime with him right away, and my wife and him were flirting so good, I knew it was going to be hot times. “Let’s see those beautiful breasts,” he said, on the FaceTime. My wife unbuttoned her blouse and showed him her lovely breasts in her bra.
“That’s a nice bra,” he said. “Take it off.”
I liked how he commanded my wife. To see another man give an order to your wife — it’s really quite something, you guys. You can’t believe what it does. It hits you right in the chest. Feeling the cuck feeling. There’s nothing more pleasurable and shocking and great. Regular people have no idea about it. Only cucks feel this supercharged thrill.
Because we’re brave enough to let another man order our wife around. We aren’t afraid of losing her to some tough guy with a big dick. We know she loves us and us alone. And this is just a game.
Or is it?
I have to admit, the look of excitement and admiration and, well, submission, on my wife’s face as she undid her bra and let her breasts free was quite something. He told her to touch her own nipples and imagine that it was him touching them. He told her how nice her titties were and how beautiful she was. And I could tell how turned on she was getting. But she kind of cut it short because she was busy. We made a date to meet that Saturday night at a hotel.
It was kind of a tough week for me, to tell the truth. I couldn’t stop thinking about the way he bossed her around. He really took command of her, and my wife is a pretty formidable person. You would be surprised to hear that she’s a top exec at an international corporation — she is the boss, not the person getting bossed around. I guess that’s why she was so into it.
So I kept getting hard in meetings that week, which was awkward. But I would think about Ben bossing my wife around and her submitting, and me sitting there with my pants down masturbating to the whole thing just enjoying it to the max, to the max.
I went through the whole thing in my mind like forty times that week — to full fruition if you know what I mean.
But it was still nothing compared to what actually happened. I didn’t know my brain could hold that much euphoria, thrill and pleasure. I was high as a fucking kite while we waiting in the lobby for Ben to meet us in the bar. A natural cuckold’s high. The cuckold looks at his wife who is about to cuckold him with such awe. It honestly must be the way a baby looks at his mother — I don’t mean to get too Freudian. But this wife of mine seems so benevolent at this moment. So omnipotent and nurturing. She was about to feed me the most delicious and nourishing nectar — the nectar of a “scene.”
That’s what the hotwife provides, I guess. A primal “scene” for the cuck. He gets to witness something he’s not supposed to witness. He gets to see what should not be seen. It’s a glimpse of heaven, my friends. A fucking powerful glimpse of heaven, that has kind of flames of hell licking on the edges of the frame, you know what I mean. It’s sacred and profane at once. And when you actually do it instead of just fantasizing about it, your whole body is affected powerfully. The cuckold will shake and shiver and gnash his teeth, because, as I say, we’re not supposed to do these things, or see these things. It’s all against decency. It’s against the rules. It’s dangerous. It’s crazy. And it’s the most fucking amazing thing on earth, I swear to you.
So anyhow, Ben was such a character. We met him at the bar, and right away he plants a nice kiss on my wife and says, “Oh baby, you are even more fine in person, I can’t wait to spend about three hours smashing your butterfly.” My wife laughed. She can handle guys like that, you know, the cocky ones.
“Why don’t you get me a drink, sexy, while I describe to your husband what I have in store for you?”
My wife obediently went over to the bar to get him a whiskey. That’s all he wanted. Whisky. In a glass. No fucking ice. I loved this guy.
“So, Colt,” he says to me. “Your wife belongs to me now. How do you feel about that?”
“Fucking awesome, Ben,” I said. “She’s all yours.”
“Oh you bet she is,” he said. “I’m gonna show you how to make a woman cum hard. I bet you don’t make her cum, do you?”
“Well, not much,” I admitted. “I’m pretty, you know, small. But I can use my tongue.”
“Oh nice, I bet that sweet piece of cake tastes delicious, does she?”
“Oh yeah.”
“I’m gonna rip her fucking panties off her, Colt, you understand?”
“That’s OK.”
“I’m gonna rip all her clothes to shreds.”
“Yes, you told us that,” I said. “We bought a whole set of clothes for her to change into afterwards.”
“She’s gonna really experience what it’s like to be used by a real dawg,” he said. “It’s nine inches long, do you understand that.”
“Yes, you told me.”
“Alright, alright,” he said.
My wife came back with the drink and he said, “Thanks, baby, now go sit over there at the other table. I’m not quite finished talking to your husband. Go over there, cross and uncross your legs, you know, hike your skirt up and look sexy for us. That’s a good girl.”
My wife kinda raised her eyebrows at that but she went with it. She took her drink and went over to another table.
“Look at that beautiful woman,” Ben said. “Those fucking legs. That body. Are you sure you want to give her to me?”
“I’m sure,” I said.
“Oh man, Colt. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this gift. This is going to be such a treat. But maybe I’ll like it so much I’ll have to take her from you for good, you ever think about that?”
“That’s the risk,” I said. “It’s part of what makes it so exciting, I guess.”
“I could see being with a fine female like that,” he said. “Maybe I’m ready to settle down. You know, I’ve had a lot of pussy. But nothing that caliber. How the hell did you with your small cock get a piece of finery like that?”
“My sense of humor?”
“Ha!” he said. “I like you, Ben!”
He slapped me on the back, slugged down his whiskey. Then he called to my wife.
“Alright, get over here, Linda.”
That’s the name we told him. My wife doesn’t use her real name for these adventures. She likes Linda, though, because it means beautiful, of course.
“Come and sit on my lap, sexy,” he said.
She sat on his lap.
“Give me a nice big kiss, baby,” he said.
She complied. They made out for a few minutes. I could hear my wife breathing hard.
“Oh Colt, she’s got me hard already, buddy,” he said. “We better head up to the room!”
The shivering and shaking usually starts in the elevator on the way up to the room. They were making out again. He was pressing her against the wall of the elevator, thrusting into her with his jeans, you know. I could see my wife’s face flushing with excitement, her breathing even louder now. Sighing. Moaning. Which was punctuated by a clicking sound I soon realized was my teeth chattering.
“You OK, honey?” she said, pausing from her makeout session.
“I’mmmmm. gg — -rrrr — -aa-ttte,” I stuttered. My wife laughed. She’d seen me like this before, of course, but maybe never so completely incapable of speech.
Usually as we walk down the hall toward the hotel room I get a little stumbly but this time I was bent over, staggering, like some soldier staggering out the trench. They were hand in hand in front of me, laughing, flirting…and I was following behind, this poor stricken cuckold soldier. It’s pain and pleasure, see. The cuckold thrives on the pain as much as the porny part of the “primal scene.” It’s the whole nine yards, not just the frosting, but the filling, the cake — fuck, the plate as well.
“Get on your knees, baby,” he commanded when they got in the room. “And show me what you do best.”
That was a bit degrading, it’s true. But my high-powered wife was loving it. This was kind of a break, I guess, acting “the whore” for a few hours. The rest of her life she acts so extra outstanding and so on. This was a relief from all that.
She undid his pants, pulled down his underwear and put that big dick in her mouth and just devoured it. “Oh yeah, baby, baby!” they were both exclaiming. She does give a nice blow job. Nice thick lips, and good worship of the thing she sucks. She went up and down the shaft on both sides, then put it in, and deeper and deeper in. Then, with her gag reflex mastered, she took it all the way into her throat. I saw the guy’s eyes bug out, maybe he’d never had a deep throat like that. I think he was going to cum.
“Stop!” he cried, and pulled her head off him. “Too good, baby, too good.”
She smiled up at him.
“You like that big dick, huh?” he said.
She nodded, saliva dripping down from her lips.
“It’s a lot bigger than that one over there, isn’t it?”
I had pulled my little dick out and was sitting on a chair holding myself at the brink of orgasm like I know how. I just hang there for the whole experience and don’t cum until the guy cums. I have intense personal control and mastery over “the edge” experience.
“Oh God yeah,” my wife said, looking up at him adoringly.
Then, before I knew it, he was on top of her and fucking her super hard. Just ramming her. I was a little worried, but she had her arms flung above her head and was rolling her head back and forth in ecstasy. Apparently this is the way my dear wife wanted to be fucked — by a human jackhammer with a nine-inch cock.
I could tell she was about to cum when suddenly, he pulled out.
“Oh no,” he said. “You’re not going to cum unless you beg me. Beg me to let you cum.”
“Oh please, please keep fucking me, I was almost there, oh please, I beg you…”
So he put his dick back in there and started fucking her super hard again. her arms flung up. Her head started lolling back and forth, but she wasn’t making as much noise. I figured out why.
“Oh no!” he said. “Oh no you don’t!”
He pulled out.
She screamed.
“Ahhh! I was about to cum, you bastard!”
“Oh let her cum,” I said.
“You shut up, cuck,” he said, without even turning to me. “I’m not going to let you cum because you were trying to trick me. You were, weren’t you?”
“I guess so,” she said.
“Are you sorry?”
“Yes,” she said.
“Tell me you’re sorry,” he commanded.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Say my name,” he ordered her.
“I’m sorry, Ben,” he said.
“And would you like me to fuck you some more?”
“Oh God yes,” she said.
“Would you like me to fuck you even harder? Even deeper? And even faster? Until you explode with the biggest orgasm of your life?”
“Oh yes!”
“I can do that,” he said. “But you have to follow orders. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
“I’m not your cucky little husband. You can’t just do anything you want with me, OK? I’m a real man. Not some cuck you can manipulate. Don’t try your little tricks with me, babe. It will blow up in your face.”
“OK, no tricks.”
“You’ll tell me if you’re about to cum, you understand? You won’t hide it.”
“I won’t hide it, I promise.”
“You’ll tell me everything, as I fuck you,” he said. “You’ll tell me what it feels like to be finally fucked the way you want to be fucked. To be free from this domestic hell you’ve been trapped in for I don’t know how fucking long.”
“Eight years.”
“Eight long excruciating years,” he said. “I’ll be that was tough. With that cuck over there whinging at you.”
“He’s so fucking whiny.”
“Well, your wait is over, babe,” he said. “Let’s go. Let’s hear it…Come on.”
He started fucking her real slow and gentle. But it was going really deep. She had her legs way up in the air and her butt off the sheets so it could go all the way in her. Slow and hard and slow and harder.
“Oh God, I’m gonna cry,” she said. “I’m gonna cry it feels so good. I never knew it could be like this. Nobody has ever fucked me like this. I can’t believe it…”
“Go ahead and cry, baby, let it out. Let it all out.”
“I’m sorry I’m such a bitch all the time,” she sobbed. “But I can’t help it. he’s so annoying. And his cock is so small. And his voice is so high-pitched. I mean, I love my husband. But why the hell can’t he be like you? Huh? Why?”
She kept sobbing and then started pounding his naked back as she sobbed, “Why, why, why?”
“You made a mistake, honey, that’s all,” he said, stroking her hair tenderly. “You married the wrong guy. A woman like you, with passion like this, she can’t be with milquetoast.”
“No, no, you’re right.”
“I feel it in your pussy, babe,” he said. “I feel the strength and the passion. It’s been held back. Now let it out. Go ahead, let it all out.”
“Oh God, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! OH God! That’s so good, so good. You’re gonna make me cum! You’re gonna make me cum. I’m cumming. Oh God. I’m cumming so good. Oh God!”
I almost came with her. Thank God I clenched my buttocks and squeezed my butthole really tight and stayed right there on the edge. Sure, some pre-cum may have leaked but I could tell by the way Ben was going that this party was just getting started. He had all kinds of “training” in mind for my wife. And I loved it. I just fucking loved it!
“Say thank you, bad girl,” he said, after she finished.
“Oh God, thank you, thank you…”
She came up and smothered him in kisses, putting her arms around him and pulling him so close. I’ve never seen anybody so grateful and adoring. It was like he was her God.
“You’re my God,” she said out loud. As though she was reading my mind.
“That’s right, baby,” he said. “You’re mine, now. All mine. I don’t want you ever letting that little fucking cuck stick his worm in you again. You understand?”
“Yes sir,” she said. I knew she was only playing. And indeed, I was fucking the shit out of her the next day as we celebrated our best cucking session ever. I mean, it was off the chain.
So then she turned to me with her back to him and fucked him reverse cowgirl style.
“That’s it, baby,” said Ben. “Show him what he’ll be missing. Show him that sweet pussy that he will never have again. Because it’s mine now. Tell him about it.”
“Enjoying the view, honey?” she said to me viciously. It was good for her to let out her spite this way, you know, venting is very healthy.
“Oh yeah, thank you darling.”
“Well, I’m not enjoying my view. It’s pathetic. Watching you wank away at that little thing. Pathetic.”
“You’re right.”
“What man could let their woman get fucked in front of them?”
“Only a very pathetic man.”
“Oh, baby, though, he’s making me feel so good. I’m starting to feel it again, baby. It’s starting all over again. Jesus. It’s so fucking good.”
“I’m glad,” I said. “I’m so glad.
She rubbed herself to another orgasm.
Then Ben announced to me, “Now, Mr. Cuck, I’m going to rip your wife’s ass open.”
“Oh no, please don’t do that,” I said. “I told you in the email. No anal. She doesn’t like anal.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Then he ordered her, “Go get the lube out of my little bag there, honey. Come on, be quick.”
Without missing a beat she jumped off the bed and eagerly grabbed a tube of lube from bag.
He told her to get on all fours, which she did happily.
“Come on cuck,” he said to me then. “Come over here and lube your wife’s asshole for me.”
“Are you sure, honey?”
“Shut the fuck up and put some fucking lube on me you piece of shit!” she said.
So I took the lube and I put a very generous amount on her butthole. I didn’t want my poor wife to get hurt.
“Now get the fuck out of here,” said Ben to me, very meanly. “Pull your fucking pants back up and go wait in the lobby while I fuck your wife’s ass for about two hours.”
“Really? Is it OK honey?”
“Go wait in the fucking lobby!” she practically screamed. “I want my ass fucked and I want it now!”
I was slowly pulling my pants up when he yelled at me some more.
“Come on! Move it, cuck, before I kick your fucking ass!”
So I hurried up and I went outside. I didn’t go to the lobby. I just stayed there outside the door. And I listened. I listened to the beautiful sound of my beautiful wife being fucked in the ass. For yes, about an hour and a half. Maybe not two hours. But pretty close. I stayed there the whole time. I didn’t want to jerk off, because I figured there were cameras and stuff. But I kind of pressed my hard cock against the door and I kept myself on the edge that way.
Finally, I heard him yelling. “Alright baby, I’ma cum in your ass. I’m a cum in your ass.”
“Shoot it in my ass, baby,” she screamed. “Shoot it.”
“I’m cumming! Argggghhh!”
It put me over the edge too. I went down and waited in the lobby for them to come down. I sat there with a real wet spot in my crotch and I hoped nobody noticed or smelled my cuck cum that was wafting over the lobby area.
But even if they did notice, I didn’t care. That made it even better in fact, for everybody in the lobby to know that I had just been cucked so hard. So cruelly and so totally and so wonderfully that I was able to cum in my pants without even touching my cock.
I want the whole world to know in fact! Duh! That’s why I’m writing this out!
I’m not ashamed. I’m proud. I’m a proud cuck. A proud and happy cuckold who just had about the greatest night of my life. So there!
Don’t worry your escapades are safe with us.
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