FDA authorized at-home test for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) which causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with online results in 24 hours once received by lab. To see if you are eligible to purchase this test, you must complete the assessment first.
* What does it test for? SARS-CoV-2
Collection method: Nasal Swab
Let’sGetChecked Corona Virus Test involves accurate laboratory testing that can confirm the presence of coronavirus (COVID-19) within 24 hours once received by lab when your sample is properly collected. Using these results, you can seek appropriate medical care and take vital measures to help prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). FDA-Authorized under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).
Common symptoms of COVID-19 may include:
* Fever or chills
* Cough
* Shortness of breath
Other symptoms of COVID-19 may include:
* Fatigue
* Aches and pains
* Sore throat
* A persistent headache
* Runny or blocked nose
* Diarrhea
Your Coronavirus Test (COVID-19) will arrive within 3-5 days using ‘standard shipping’.
Collect your sample
Collect your sample, consisting of a nasal swab, using easy to follow instructions from home. Return the sample using the prepaid shipping label provided in your kit.
Laboratory test
This swab sample will be sent to let’s get checked CLIA-certified laboratory for full analysis. This can confirm the presence of coronavirus (COVID-19) when your sample is properly collected.
Let’sgetchecked aim to deliver your laboratory results from this test to your secure online account within 24 hours once received by the lab.
Support from LetsGetChecked
Your health record is reviewed in real-time by a LetsGetChecked doctor and additional support services will be provided to you as needed. If you require further information about your test, you can arrange a call with a member of Let’sgetchecked medical team through your LetsGetChecked account and they will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
What to do if your result is positive
If you receive a positive result you should remain in self-isolation, and inform your healthcare provider of your result. You should follow the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include*:
* Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
* Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
* New confusion or inability to arouse
* Bluish lips or face
*This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.
Test Price: $119