There are so many things we love about chocolate. But even the most chocaholic among us have never considered pouring the sweet stuff all over our bodies in the sake of silky, smooth, and younger-looking skin. But that’s just what actress Kelly Deadmon went to test-drive for the latest installment of The Younger Games:the chocolate massage at Body by Brooklyn in New York City. Can she make it through the whole treatment without sneaking a bite?
Watch the full video above and see her previous encounters with a wine bath, hot hairstyles, sun spot removal, magnetic cupping, second skin facial, lip injections, botox injections, vaginal rejuvenation, a butt facial, vampire breast lift, hand rejuvenation and hair styles.
Want to try this at home?
Here is the recipe for your own DIY chocolate oil
You’ll need
* 85 ml almond/apricot oil
* 15 g cocoa butter
* 5 g dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa)
* 1 ml Vitamin E
* (15-30 drops essential oil)
1. Heat up the oil in a double boiler. It needs to be hot enough for the cocoa butter and chocolate to melt.
2. If using Vitamin E, stir in when cooler than 40°C.
3. The essential oils can be added when the batch is cooler than 30°C.
I’ve never tried this with essential oils, but if you want to experiment, you could try peppermint or orange. Nothing that you would eat with chocolate could go wrong
If you’re lucky, you can find cocoa butter in ecological or health food shops, or from the Internet. (Ruohonjuuri in Helsinki sell it). If you can’t find cocoa butter, you could try exchanging it for coconut fat, sheabutter or beeswax, but I’ve never tried so I couldn’t promise the results. These ingredients make the oil less runny, only oil can be a bit messy.
Any oil that’s not very dry basically works, but almond oil is great because of the nice soft feel. Plus the smell doesn’t overpower the chocolate. The Vitamin E helps preserve the oil.
By Hilda Blue