The thing I detest most in life is entitlement and Using the race card(a very real serious issue) to perpetuate fraud! Meghan Markle is a fraud and a disgrace to The people of Color. She is indeed 75% white, has only dated or married white Men, applied for jobs as a Caucasian and now suddenly just when it suits her plans to climb the ladder of wealth and power she is now Black! Next she claims she had no clue of the Royal family and their prestige but what do we find out Markle had a blog where she discussed the Royal wedding of one of her so called bullies Kate Middleton. Next she came out in public claiming she did not want a title for her son, she wanted him to have a normal life and now it’s the Royal family who didn’t want to give it to her son as a result of the Color of his skin…

Her father Inlaw the latest Villain in Harry and Meghan’s World walked her down the aisle when her Father did not appear at the wedding. Now she is being accused of bullying she has asked the Royals to provide evidence….Really Markle! What evidence did you provide to the World in your tell all interview? matter of fact you didn’t or should I say couldn’t name the perpetrator.

The markings of a Virtuous woman is certainly not Meghan Markle, not a woman who is all about cross me and I will destroy your life….remember Piers Morgan, countless media news papers!

How much are Harry and Meghan worth after this interview so far over 100 Million Quid, Meanwhile Meghan Markle walked into this marriage with an estimated 3 million Quid if that’s to be believed. There is also news she has her eyes on the Presidency.

Pls stop falling for crap, make it make sense call this woman out on her BS.

If we let this despicable woman win what we are telling the World is anyone can get up not work for their coin, destroy anyone or anything that crosses it’s path, use serious issues that could damage global health to make money and still Win, this is not a good role model for our future generations.

Someone’s nose is getting longer

What does Meghan Markle want?

By Adaobi O Ebozue

The thing I detest most in life is entitlement and Using the race card(a very real serious issue) to perpetuate fraud! Meghan Markle I do not Applaud you I Abhor you....

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