At the end of the day your mindset is what will keep your machine going strong and running.

Do not allow your mind to be polluted by negativity or distractions.
What you need is laser sharp focus to survive in 2020.

We honestly believe that the first thing you need to do for the new year is eradicate all negativity In your life. Anyone or thing causing you to doubt yourself needs to Go!

These are questions that should fuel your long look.
* “What’s emerging?”
* “What fires me up?”
* “What’s missing?”
* “What’s next?”
* “What’s keeping me awake at night?”
* Who or what is holding me back?

Make a short list of things you’d like to do in 2020. (Note: don’t ask yourself “How am I going to do that?!  The how will come.)

The Key
The Key to finishing strong is to review your 2020 list daily, first thing in the morning and last thing in the night for the entire year .  You will be amazed at how you will move toward your 2020 plans.
The wisdom of Solomon encourages us to follow Jesus in this way when he says “The end of a matter is better than its beginning.”  Ecclesiastes 7:8
Finish strong and you will start strong!

Prayer for the year
Thank you, Father for the blessings and lessons of the past.  Please give me the wisdom to know which loose ends to pursue and the strength and courage to tie them up.  Please help me to finish strong and to start strong.


Source budlamb

Do not allow your mind to be polluted by negativity or distractions. What you need is laser sharp focus to survive in 2020.

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