We’ve been here since 2016, churning working to reveal to you the real freedom secrets.
We’ve been here for more than a minute how long have you been here?
There is unlimited work.
“I’ve finished my work” is a LIE.
You’ve just stopped LOOKING for work.
The amount of work you FIND to do is directly correlated to how much you ACTUALLY care.
When you care – you find unlimited tasks.
The true coin enthusiast can always re-polish that coin he adores.
Canelo can always fine-tune his jab.
LOOKING for work is a prerequisite to success.
Most of you just want the work to be over with.
Most of you don’t DESERVE to be free.
And I work to only free the deserving.
You should want tasks and work to complete.
You should want stones to build your castle.
I can give you UNLIMITED actionable tasks. Simple things you can do that will lead to money.
Are you too lazy to actually try with 100% of your effort?
Or do you simply not know what to do.
I will tell you what to do. You can do it.
And money will appear.
Simply read on and learn What work you can do today.
You only need to read do rinse repeat.
Do not expect the task to be easy.
Expect it to WORK.
Do you struggle with finding people who want to buy your products?
Do you spend hours and hours on social media and still get nowhere?
Finding hot leads on social media can be a headache…
if you don’t know where to look.
Being in the right place with the right people can make a huge difference.
Today I am going to share with you just how to get there.
To find your hot leads, the first things you need to figure out is who you are looking for. If you don’t know that, it can be pretty hard to figure out where to find them. So, let’s start there.
Who is your perfect prospect, your perfect customer?
This is going to be the person that your products can offer a solution to, someone who has a pain point and is looking for a solution.
If you have multiple products then you may have different avatars for each products. To know who your avatar is, you need to know what problems your products can solve.
You need to be crystal clear on what problems your products solve.
What are the benefits of the product?
What does your product do for its users? Does it make something easier like doing your nails or hydrating? Does it remove something that is unwanted like weight or wrinkles?
Once you’ve got an idea of what your products do for their users, think about the problems those people had before using the product.
Now, keeping those problems in mind, it’s time to find a group where those people hang out.
You need to get really creative here.
Being in a group where people are only posting links to their products isn’t going to get you anywhere.
You need to be in a group where people feel safe enough to ask for help and open about the problems they need help with. So, the groups that are just an endless stream of product photos and links…aren’t it!
Think about your product, if it is an antiaging product, search for groups where people are asking how to look younger, or for antiaging solutions.
If your product is something that helps people do their nails quickly, search for groups of people who want to pamper themselves but don’t have the time (like a group for stay at home moms).
Once you have found those groups, you want to go and request to join.
When you go to request you will find that a lot of these groups will say no MLM or no network marketers allowed. And that is okay.
Why? Because your purpose for getting into these groups is to connect. It is to collect friends.
It is not to sell your products, the purpose isn’t going to be to find your next sale.
You want to connect with other people who are going through the same struggle that you went through that your product solved.
When you connect with the people in the group, you are going to let your content do the talking. This is where you are going to forget about trying to sell your products and just be a human being.
If you are allowed to post in the group, you can post questions. If your product is about weight loss you could say, “Did you know that you should be drinking half your body weight in water a day? Do you struggle to drink this much water?”
You want to provide value inside these groups, be the person who is adding a ton of value. Be the name that they recognize.
You want to comment and answer other peoples posts, to build the know, like, and trust.
After you start building relationships with people inside the group, you can send a friend request.
Now your content on your profile is going to do the talking for you. You want them to see your content and your stories, which means you need to engage with their content. You have to give love to get love.
Now that you have built a relationship, you can ask these people if they want to try your product. If they comment on one of your posts, ask them what they have tried in the past and ask them if you can give them information about your product.
Remember, you’re not just copy/pasting a message to every new friend. You are collecting friends that have problems that your products solve, building a relationship with those friends through content/engagement and then solving their problem when you have peaked their interest.
People buy from people that they can trust.
I do hope that this week’s post helps you in building new relationships with folks online and building your business.
If you want to know more about building your business online with experts who know what the heck they are doing , check out our PROVEN formula HERE.