An exceptional wall Art with high-quality works are designed by our talented team of artists. Artist-level black canvas painting has a strong sense of texture and art.

High-definition modern canvas prints, photo prints on the canvas with high-quality eco-friendly ink, perfect color and image clarity, not easy to fade, bright and shiny colors.

Due to the different brands of monitors, the actual colors of the wall art may vary slightly from the product picture.

To protect painting well during international shipping, all paintings are ROLLED(Unframed/Not stretched) and shipped in a quality plastic/cardboard tube to avoid damages, it’s 100% safe and painting comes back to its original/flat state once you stretch it on a wooden base. You can decide to frame it or simply stretch it at any of your local framing shop, depends on your taste, it’s beautiful both way.

Type: Canvas Printings black art

Support Base: Canvas

Medium: Waterproof Ink

Subjects: Figure Painting

Material: Canvas

Size 28” x 40 “ /. 70 x 100 cm

Price : $196
Includes complimentary worldwide shipping

No returns or exchanges

Delivery 6-8 weeks

Instructions to purchase: click the Buy Now link above, enter the Price indicated above, fill in the necessary details to purchase the required amount of slay dollars (store credits) to purchase this item and checkout. Slay Concierge will contact you to arrange your delivery pls have the title of this post on hand

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