My Father, who is in Heaven, Your Name is above every Name and above all things. I enter Your heavenly courtroom and request freedom from a generational curse today. I seek Your will to be done in me, Your earthen vessel. I ask for freedom from ______________ (insert identified generational curses).
“Please give me this day my daily bread—thank You for meeting both my physical and spiritual needs. Forgive me for allowing any habitual sin to manifest in my life as it has in my family line. I repent to You, and I forgive others who have allowed this iniquity to be passed down through our family, or others who have offended me in any way. I forgive them just as You have forgiven me.
“Thank you for delivering me, my children and the children and grandchildren to come from all generational curses. In doing so, You protect us and provide for us.
“Lord, I seal this work in Your courts and make a proclamation that You will not lead me into temptation but will deliver me from evil. I decree that Yours is the Kingdom, the glory, and the power forever and ever . Amen.”