I assure you you will be Speechless after you get with me!
“I wanna ask you something.”
“Ask away.”
“Have you ever thought about me while masturbating?”
It was, to say the least, an unexpected question. When it appeared on my screen I had to read it again, just to make sure.
Taryn and I had been online friends for a while, first on Twitter, now Instagram. I don’t remember when we progressed from just following and commenting, to DM-ing. But since we started chatting we’d become great friends. The conversations started light enough, discussing family stuff and day-to-day events, but by now they were more intimate. Not sexual, really, but deeper. If she had trouble with her husband, I knew about it. Likewise, if I was having a tough time in my life, I would talk to her. Ok, there were some flirty moments, usually when I complimented her on selfies that she posted. But this question was a huge surprise.
“Have you ever thought about me while masturbating?”
“Wow. Ok. Yes. Just once.” It was true. “I hope that doesn’t ruin what we have, because you’ve become very important to me.”
A little heart popped on my answer. She liked it. Whew!
“Any reason you wanted to know?” I wondered.
“It was just in my head. Curiosity.”
I paused before typing, “I’m not even gonna ask if you’ve done the same, lol.” I made it a joke, but I really did want to know. I didn’t expect an answer.
“I have,” she answered. “More than once.”
I was floored. “I am so flattered. I kind of don’t know how to respond.”
She sent a kissy emoji.
I messaged, “If this conversation continues much longer, I may have to excuse myself to do it for the second time, lol.”
No answer. A minute or so went by. Shit! Had I gone too far?
Then, finally, “Sorry. I’m back. Did you go and do it yet?”
“Do what?”
“Jerk off.”
“Um…no, lol.”
“Good,” she wrote. “We can do it together. Are you alone?”
“Yeah. My wife is already in bed.”
Suddenly, a video call started coming through. It startled me. I’d never done an Instagram video call before. I accepted it, and there she was. She was wearing lingerie, and here I was in sweats.
“Hi, Sam.” Her tone was flirty. Sexy. I could already feel myself growing inside my pants.
“Damn. Hi, Taryn. Nice to see you.” I’d seen her face before, certainly, in posts and stories, but this was different. This was just for me.
“I…um…I’ve never done this before,” she said.
I’d also heard her voice on her posts, but now her soft, sweet tone had me totally intoxicated.
“I haven’t either. I don’t think I even knew you could video chat on Instagram.”
There was a pause. She smiled.
Finally, I said, “So…nice outfit.”
“Better than yours,” she laughed. “Why don’t you take that sweatshirt off?”
I propped my phone up against the screen of my laptop, which was on a folding table in front of the couch. My pulse was racing as I started to yank my top off.
“Whoa! Slow down!” she said. “Let me take some time to appreciate the goods.”
“I gotta say, the goods are…uh…not very good.” I was just trying to manage expectations.
“Let me decide that.”
So, stripper-style, I slowly peeled it up from the bottom and over my head, ending with a flourish.
She nodded and smiled approvingly. “All right. Not bad at all.”
With a mischievous look, she propped her phone up and moved back so I could see her full body.
“Wow,” I said, “just…wow. I’m speechless.” Her body was perfect, for me anyway. Not a porn star or a model, but then I was far from that myself. She was short, curvy, and magnificent.
“You like it?” she asked, turning around.
“I love it. Taryn, you are one hell of a sexy woman.”
She reached around the back of her bra and undid the clasp. She moved a little closer to the phone and slipped off one bra strap, then the other, so that her hand was all that held the cups in place. With an enticing smile, she let go, revealing a truly beautiful pair of breasts. My longing increased tenfold. My cock responded in kind.
She got a little closer to the phone. “Can I see what I’m doing to you?”
I stood and pulled down my sweats and my boxer briefs, showing her what had been straining against the fabric. I’m probably average-sized, but she seemed pleased enough.
“Oh, shit, I wanna suck that.” She licked her lips. Slowly. Deliberately. “Sit back down. I want to see all of you.”
As I sat back on the couch, my boner protruding, I said, “I want to see all of you too. I want to watch you touch yourself.”
She moved her phone to the foot of her bed and lay down, her back against the headboard. Slipping off her panties, she spread her legs and started rubbing herself. I had a clear view right down the middle. I stroked myself slowly. I didn’t want to release too quickly.
As she picked up speed, I picked up speed. We stared into each other’s eyes and matched each other motion for motion. She caressed her left breast as she fingered herself with her right hand. I pumped with my right and started fondling my balls with my left. In my head, her tongue and lips were doing the work. We never broke our gaze.
“Oh God, Sam, I wanna fuck you so bad!” She sped up a little. “I wanna watch you cum!”
I sped up too. “I want to suck the juices out of your pussy!” I managed to croak out, practically hyperventilating.
She brought the phone a little closer to her sweet spot to give me a better view and I did the same. I heard her panting and moaning as my own breath started picking up speed. Soon, I just couldn’t hold it any longer, and started to cum like it was never going to stop. I looked at my phone and Taryn was writhing until finally I saw a wet stream splash onto the screen. She squirted!
I could hear laughing as she took some tissues and wiped her phone. “Oh shit, I never did that before!”
“I hope your phone is ok,” I laughed.
“It’ll never be the same again,” she replied with a chuckle.
“Neither will we,” I said.
Don’t worry your escapades are safe with us.