Endless waves canvas print

Integrate this work of art into your favorite décor.
Gallery Wrap – Original Copies printed on museum quality 100% cotton Premium Artist Canvas stretched on 1.5″ pine wood and ready to hang!
Each print is made entirely in the USA and designed to last a lifetime.
Satin Paper Print – Original Giclee unframed prints are made on museum quality paper by one of the best printing houses in New York City. Luster/Satin paper allows for maximum ink coverage and produces stunningly vivid images. Engineered to give the highest resolution and color saturation possible.
Wall Murals –  Change the look and feel of a room without the hassle of traditional wallpaper. The wall murals print are the perfect solution to easily enhance any residential or commercial space alike! 
The wall murals can be applied to any non-porous flat & smooth surfaces: Walls, Ceilings, Doors, Windows, Mirrors, Wood panels, MDF Boards, Foamcare and many more …
The designers print on the highest quality, Commercial Grade vinyl. The inks resist fading for up to 25 years when the product is hung indoors. 
Repositionable self-adhesive vinyl delivered in strips of 35 to 45 inches of width and slightly overlap for easy installation.

Concierge Prices

Canvas wrap : 16″ x 16″-$180
Canvas wrap : 20″ x 20″-$300
Canvas wrap : 30″ x 30″-$440
Canvas wrap : 40″ x 40″-$600
Canvas wrap : 50″ x 50″-$900
Unframed Satin Print: 12″x12″-$100
Unframed Satin Print: 20″x20″-$160
Unframed Satin Print: 30″x30″-$300
Unframed Satin Print: 40″x40″-$400
Wall Mural: 50″ x 50″-$360
Wall Mural: 60″ x 60″-$440
Wall Mural: 70″ x 70″-$520

All prices include complimentary worldwide shipping.

Instructions to purchase: click the Buy Now link above, enter the title of this post in the enquiry field, fill in the necessary details and click send. Slay Concierge will contact you to confirm details

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Endless waves canvas print

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