Luxury accessories have an exclusivity problem. Because handbags are generally among a company’s most profitable and marketable product categories, most brands want (and need) to sell them hand over first in order to stay on the seasonal fashion treadmill. That’s a bit tricky, though, because one of the things luxury customers look for most in a new purchase is a sense of exclusivity; how do you sell lots of bags while still making every bag-buyer feel like she’s the only person in the world who has a particular piece? Lately, the answer is Slay my look’s one-of-a-kind hand painted mini handbag. No two bags are exactly identical.
Bags are hand-embellished and painted in one of only three ateliers worldwide (Italy, Tokyo and Carcassonne, France).
Material:Cotton/Silk/Denim/Calf Leather. Body Color: pink
Price: $1124
Includes complimentary worldwide shipping.
Instructions to purchase: click the Buy Now link above, enter the Price indicated above, fill in the necessary details to purchase the required amount of slay dollars (store credits) to purchase this item and checkout. Slay Concierge will contact you to arrange your delivery pls have the title of this post on hand
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Looking for a look to go with your new accessory? Click here : designer clothes.