So you know how much we love Dragon fruit. Anything dragon fruit is up our alley. It’s important to get your Bambinis to eat healthy,something sweet and healthy like dragon fruit is the best place to start.

Get creative!

Sweetened with dates had a little fun experimenting with dragon fruit from Pitaya plus. She made the kiddos some Pitaya Cacao Cookies to get their Monday started off on a sweet note. These were tasty. The filling was made from dragon fruit, raspberries, and strawberries. The cacao cookies had a bit of maca from organic burst blended into them. The recipe needs a few adjustments to make them just right.

Want to have a bit of fun with the family? Try this Irish boost bomb shots by Pitaya plus (see video and recipe below)

Yummy Dragon fruit and cacao cookies

Source: By Sweetened with dates

Irish boost bomb recipe

Pitaya Plus have Taken a traditional bar favorite and turned it into something even better and pink! Now grab your Family, cheers your “green shot” and drop them into your pink smoothies! Pink Smoothie * 2 Pitaya Smoothie Pack or 1 large scoop of Pitaya Cubes * 9oz Coconut Water * 1/4 tsp grated Ginger Green Smoothie Recipe or Pour Your Favorite Green Juice * 1/2 stick Celery * 1/5 Cucumber * 1/2 squeeze Lemon * 1/4 Green Apple * Pinch of Spinach Leaves Directions 1. First smoothie, blend the Pitaya, Coconut Water and Ginger. 2. Pour 8oz into 2 wide mouth glasses or cups. 3. Second smoothie, blend the celery, lemon, spinach, apple, and cucumber until desired consistency. 4. Pour 2oz into 2 shot glasses. 5. Now grab your Irish friend, cheers with the green shot glasses and drop them into the pink smoothies. 6. First one to finish just got a boost of health faster, and should feel lucky the rest of the day:) 7. Enjoy the healthy boost

Source: By Pitaya Plus

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