This hand painted, leather slay my look bag is Made in limited quantity.

Because each piece is painted by hand, each handbag may vary slightly from the image shown.

Slay artists use specially-formulated, non-toxic, non-cracking paint, but handle your one-of-a-kind handbag with extra care.

Slay my look’s signature high-quality leather is well-known for its softness and ability to look good over time.

Care information

Slay my look bags are made out of the finest, genuine leather. To keep it looking good over time, clean with a soft dry cloth.

Price: $1124
Includes complimentary worldwide shipping.

Instructions to purchase: click the Buy Now link above, enter the Price indicated above, fill in the necessary details to purchase the required amount of slay dollars (store credits) to purchase this item and checkout. Slay Concierge will contact you to arrange your delivery pls have the title of this post on hand

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Looking for a look to go with your new accessory? Click here : designer clothes.

My bag is chequered! Then I think I got pigeon holed in humour. Shakespeare is not my thing!

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