We *don’t* know if money is “real”, because we don’t know what banks are doing with it
We are currently in the midst of several tailwinds that will likely lead to extreme centralization.
Perhaps one of the biggest ones, besides the demise of regional banking, is AI.
The mental model shift of going from “hmm, is this popular/trending? does it have social proof?”, which is the current model today for most people browsing the internet…
…to “is this real? can this be trusted? will I be safe? did a real human make this?” as a result of AI-driven tech, will likely be the greatest mental shift we have ever witnessed — and the sad reality is that so many people, who use the internet for everyday purposes like banking, messaging, browsing, shopping, etc. will likely never be ready to handle it.
IMO, this will lead to more centralization of the internet as the power of AI gets fueled by VC, innovated by ambitious startups, acquired & adopted by giant enterprises with massive computational force, and then heavily exploited by the most powerful advertising & recommendation engines to broadcast at immense scale.
Ultimately the gov’t will feel the need to step in to “protect” people, and the need for a self-sovereign internet will be greater than ever where we have the freedom to choose, move freely, and take back what’s ours.
To put this in very simple terms:
We *don’t* know if money is “real”, because we don’t know what banks are doing with it and the gov’t has the capabilities to produce infinite supply.
We *won’t* know if content is “real”, because we don’t know how centralized institutions are manipulating it and corporations have many reasons (e.g. ad revenue) to produce infinite levels of computation to bend information at their own will and for their own needs.
By Mossified