Heres a quick 10 minute face routine.

Just goes to show that you can look fab without minus all of the full glam highlighting and contouring.
1.moisturize & prime (Hourglass Primer)
2 Using a stippling brush apply bb cream @maybelline bb cream (dark) or foundation @Nars All day weightless luminous in shade (trinidad)
3 Add concealer @bobbibrown foundation stick (golden honey)
4 Blend !! @beautyblender and don’t forget to set it w| Laura mercier translucent powder
5 Bronze it up (I used @maccosmetics blunt blush)
6 Blush Blush baby @nyxcosmetics cinnamon
7 Lightly fill in brows (random $1 pencil)
8 using same bronzer dust over eyes and add same highlight shade to center with finger tips 9 9. 9.Highlight @bobbibrown all over bronze glow
10.line lips (brown liner) and @maccosmetics faux lipstick Whalah! A beautiful soft everyday makeup


Source: By @tiarramonet

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