1. Greatness is a product of practice and commitment – you’re not supposed to get it “right” the first time. Any relationship, project, achievement or endeavor – from how you decorate your house to publish your first book – is a linear process. It’s never a matter of whether or not you get it right the first time, but how willing you are to keep trying.

2. It takes courage to change by your own volition. It takes guts to say “this is not the life I wanted… so I’m going to start over again.” It’s likely that the people who are judgmental of this wish they could do it, or that they had the means to.

3. Settling is the easy way out disguised as the comfortable, “ideal” option. And often, we can confuse the peace and ease and lure of “settling” with what we actually desire.

4. People who edit their lives believe they deserve the lives they want. They believe they deserve loving friends, and happy relationships, and to actualize all of their dreams, even if they have to work really hard to get there. It’s their inherent feeling of being worthy that makes them push forward.

5. It takes intelligence and heart to admit that you weren’t right the first time.Many people avoid changing their lives simply because they don’t want to take the ego hit of feeling as though they were “wrong.

6. Everything is about evolution, at the end of the day. You will become excellent at what you practice each day – regardless of whether that’s art or gossip or brooding or music. Your life will accumulate to the sum of the little moments – no matter what they’re filled with. You will grow regardless, edit your life so it’s in a direction you actually want.

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