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Unmasked Slaylebrity is a luxe social feed unmasking Slaylebrities, AKA influencers, whom are not quite what they seem. We allow investigative content about people who freely choose to display their personal life online in exchange for monetary gain and fame.

All posts require approval (usually within 24hrs)

All posts must include the handle of the unmasked Slaylebrity/influencer and preferably the no of followers.

Unmasked influencers must meet the following criteria

At least 10,000 followers on any of the following platforms twitter, tiktok, only fans, youtube or instagram or a considerably notable famous person who has no social media account.

There must be more than one line of sentence why you feel this unmasked Slaylebrity deserves to be featured on Unmasked Slaylebrity.

Ensure that each post is placed in the correct category. There are six categories instagram Slaylebrity, Tik Tok Slaylebrity, Youtube Slaylebrity, Twitter Slaylebrity, Royal Slaylebrity, Only Fans Slaylebrity, Family Slaylebrity